Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Just science-fiction LX : the ancient messages of the Fallen Angels of Aldebaran !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


In this new article of Just science-fiction, we will revisit known data about incomprehension. The incomprehension we want to talk about is the one surrounding Aldebaran, this famous star of the Hyades group !

Even, when Aldebarans are trying to communicate with Earth, Earthlings are refusing to listen...or read. May be is it connected to the fact they were too simplistically stamped as "Fallen Angels" by the Bible, on a very binary and outdated mode ?

Of course, as usually this masterpiece of imagination, has to be taken as just science-fiction. So read our writing to relax, and have fun !


In fact among ETs, Aldebarans are the ones who left writings in old time. But those writings have been misunderstood or not understood at all. Of course, it's true nobody was really able to translate them. What we know about the language of Angels is surrounded with an unecessary mystery, complicating everything. Aldebaran's writing seems to be an artificial language, a kind of Cosmic "Esperanto". That's why you can find words from various Earthling languages too : hebrew, czech, german, latin and other languages are melted. To be able to understand Aldebaran people is certainly easier for a creative mind who has no intellectual barriers, than for someone who has been completely formated ! The other reason is connected to the fact Aldebarans gave support to Martians, during and after their War with Pleiadians (their ex-brothers, also called "Angels" by the Bible). In that way, they have till recently been considered as renegades, even they acted this way for humanitarian concerns. As rescued Martians were brought on the dark side on the Moon and on Earth (Antarctica), Aldebarans were symbolically called "Fallen Angels" : it was like if they fell from Mars, at the same time as they had fallen from their rank in the Pleiadian Federation for this help, in opposition with the Pleiadian "Pharaoh" !

The most handicaped people to learn something from Aldebaran are probably Cartesians. Of course, it's not their fault, but the one of their limited internal programmation. Their strict use of bicameral spirit connected to the way our brain is made, prevent them to understand anything. In a way, our world is dying presently because of their over-exaggerated importance in everyday life. And often they are at the opposite of what really thought René Descartes ( 1596 - 1650) about life in the Cosmos. Like Giordano Bruno (1548 -  1600) with his "plurality of inhabited worlds", he thought life existed elsewhere than Earth. His "Discours de la méthode" ("Discourse of the method") was only aiming at getting rid thinking from the religious gangue which was preventing it to be free. Bruno was about him a dominican brother... and a magician born in Nola beside Napoli (Italy). And he had before him a similar aim. It is said he was burnt alive in 1600, because he had claimed that Earth was revolving around the Sun  - and not the opposite. But, this was finally a very secondary point among all the works he had written !

As a lot of astronomers of his time and even before, Bruno had been interested in Aldebaran. He had spent some time in England (London and Oxford) in 1583. And nobody can ascertain he never met John Dee (1527 - 1608 or 1609) over there... especially if he did ! As a matter of fact, John Dee was equally a famous magician, as well as a geographer and the personal astrologer and occult advisor of Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603), the "Virgin Queen". And he is said to have set for her the basis of the "British Empire" - following the expression he had created -, and its domination over the Seas with the help of Angels (the Aldebarans). In fact, he had entered in possession of a mysterious Manuscript on parchment referring to Aldebaran and Mars, given by the Duke of Northumberland. Some specialists thought it had been written by Roger Bacon (c. 1220 - c. 1292), the famous English philosopher, scientist and alchemist, but it doesn't seem to be so in reality. But it is putting in question the datation of the Manuscript (officially from the XVth century). John Dee didn't think at all that it was coming from a human writer, but from the Angel Anael he communicated with on a friday. That's why he dedicated his tumultuous life to develop a deep knowledge of the Angels' language, in order to understand clearly their teachings and their messages ! 

This Aldebaran Manuscript is, between other things, giving the description of a lot of funny plants of Mars before it was destroyed by the nuclear bombings of Pleiadians, and among them strange "marching" plants. Nobody knows if such plants were transported on Earth with the mission of rescue of Aldebaran to help Martian survivors : the latters took refuge on our planet in addition to the dark side of the Moon a very long time ago. Nowadays this writing is called the "Voynich manuscript" as it went in 1912 under the possession of a Polish collector living in America named  Wilfrid Michael Voynich (1865 -1930). The latter just bought it from their last owners, Jesuits of Frascati (Italy). Currently, it is kept in a safe of Yale University (USA). Its format is 15 x 23 cm, and it provides predominantly illustrations in colour which should help its understanding by specialists : only 33 pages contain only text !

Since that, it has been studied by the best specialists of cryptography in the world, but nobody has been able to break its code. Of course, if it has never been coded, you can easily understand why ! Nowadays again, it has yet been written that it has been "decoded", but only the illustrated page 68 which seems to concern Aldebaran system and refer to Mars has roughly been translated. And in addition, 72 words only of the chapter dedicated to Mars Botany have also been, even it looks fantastic ! Now this manuscript has got 234 pages, without counting the 38 pages missing. Since John Dee, some informed and uncomplicated readers have thought it was just written in the Angels' language (called "Enochian" by John Dee) : that's all ! And they could be right, as Aldebarans have long been nicknamed by the Bible "the Fallen Angels". Beside the drawings of the manuscript, this strange writing is also indicating how to communicate directly with Aldebaran and his people, by the way. And the ancestor of toaster, like the one invented by the genious Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943) for communicating with Mars, is not necessary !

Is the Manuscript Voynich just an account of life in the Cosmos, and especially on Mars before its nuclear disaster, and a warning to Earthlings which was never understood ? And has it been written by a skilled woman scholar of Aldebaran, owing to the reference to "the man of the house and me" - the writer - of page 68 : Hagiel, also called Anael, a "female Angel" for Earthlings ? This ancient Manuscript is not a simple work of Astronomy, Botany, or Medicine, written in a undecipherable language for abstruse reasons. Of course, to be able to understand something, you need to be in a similar situation. So the time was certainly not fit before ! Now, what is absolutely amazing is that a potentially catastrophic War for the whole world (the War of Ukraine), has been able to provoke after so long a sudden awareness between the so-called "Fallen Angels" (Aldebarans) and the other Angels (Pleiadians) ! 

So talking about this binary opposition of the past is outdated, especially if they both agree to rebecome brothers...and sisters too ! When watching human beings suicidally battling against each other for nuts or even peanuts - by refusing any future in common -, they are happening to realize that Aldebarans and Pleiadians have finally so much to share. It seems the time for Redemption has finally come ! And they can rebuild completely their past civilization right now, with green oceans, by following the dream of Celaeno, another important star of the Pleiads with Alcyone. Theirs at least, is certain to remain and revive. And them, they don't try to go fast to get anywhere. "Micaolz  olprt" (Shall the powerful light be with you !"), would have said the Archangel Uriel to John Dee !