Saturday, July 20, 2024

Just science-fiction LXV : beyond the Eve and Adam bases on Mars, and Orson Welles, say hello to your toaster !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


Between manifestions against the Adam base (an ancient alien restored base, from 1979) and sometimes even the Eve base (the most ancient alien restored base, from 1975) on Mars officiously, and the hypothetical launch of the "first" inhabited vessel able to reach the planet officially this time, in around 5 months, it's difficult to understand exactly what's happening with Mars ! 

Normally, the Adam base was planned to be established initially on the Moon. But due to the high hostility of the Black Fleet (mainly composed of Aldebarans and descendants of Martian refugees, but not only), the Apollo program was suddenly abandoned by America in 1972 !

About the actor Orson Welles (1915 - 1985), his famous controversial program of 1938 concerning an invasion of Earth by the Martians, is partly remaining a source of questioning in our new century. Let's recall this striking episode dating from the night of 30 to 31 October 1938 : what Orson Welles called a simple joke of Halloween at the very end !

And finally, the tantalizing Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943) with his trans-communicator with other planets like Mars, is still puzzling nowadays. If his device of 1901 was based upon a simple misinterpretation of signals received, why the Allies were they so interested by his thousands of notes sheltered in the Museum of Belgrade (Serbia), during the war of Yugoslavia (March 31st, 1991 - November 12th, 2001) ?

What we will say has obviously to be taken as "Just science fiction", as usually. Just have a coffee or tea with a toast of marmelade, by keeping in mind the Tesla's trans-communicator with Mars is in your possession in your own kitchen : the name of this incredible "Martian" machine which has conquered the whole world without realizing it, is... the "toaster" ! 


Officially, Mars is still an inhabited "uninhabited" planet ! But this view is not shared by the Unionists of Mars, when they are asking for the departure of "Earthlings" : "Earthlings go home !", is the catchword of their hoardings, written in red. "Believe what you see on the Taiga's pictures" is their repeated motto at the address of Earthlings on Earth : trust your eyes, and not the bullshits about fake optical illusions from deficient optical instruments, so then you can help us to be free !

One thing is sure, Martians are against the exploitation of their Cobalt, and other rare minerals by Earthlings which started after 1975. There is also a problem concerning the distribution of profits between the Industrial Interplanetary Conglomerate and the Black Fleet. The status of workers on Mars is too an inextricable problem, either for the indigenous population, or the Earthling one from the No Recall Society. Their existence not being recognized officially by Earth, is making Martians silent and easy targets : nothing can protect them, but their courage !

The fiercest adversaries to the exploitation of Mars by Earthlings (not only from the USA) are certainly the natives of the mountains. Them, they have never been under control, unlike the ones of the plains. They can move on anytime, and they are relying since recently on their far descendants on Earth, especially from Tierra del Fuego in South America. The latter appreciate a lot nightlife above in a smoky environment - full of the CO and CO2 they need to breathe well -, with the hot dancing of latin beauties and good drinks in Buenos Aires (Argentina). As they are joyous, civilized, and pleasant, they are welcome about them !

Since the Martian pseudo-attack of New Jersey (USA) re-transmitted by Orson Welles on CBS on October 30th, 1938, the "War of the worlds" is considered as an imagination concern only. The fact is Orson Welles himself made excuses for the perturbations caused by his play with CBS. But years after, in the seventies, he made a surprisingly challenging remark about the future invasion of Earth to come. This play was in the end a formidable platform for him to launch his very successful career in his country, America, and in the whole world. He was owing a lot to Mars and Martians, whatever the latter are hypothetical or not ! 

What disturbed the 32 million listeners on that fateful night, was that the Orson Welles' play adapted from H. G Wells novel, "the war of the worlds", was presented in the form of a special news flash. And the intervention of a scientist, Professor Pierson (actually Orson Welles himself) had finished convincing them of the reality of the Martian attack on the Wilmuth farm at Grovers Mill in New Jersey ! It is a bit as if we were worried today about the strange unfamiliar "super clouds" that begin to appear in the skies of our planet : "Hector", a super cumulo-nimbus standing above North Australia (Tiwi islands, Northern Territory) from September to March, and a "Fire Rainbow" in the guise of an "Asgardian Bifrost" above Singapore (2017), Japan (2020), Chile (2022), and very recently in 2023, France (Vendée) !

After the panic, Herbert George Wells (1866 - 1946) himself complained near CBS for the total rewriting of his novel, and the use of a fake special news flash by the Mercury Theatre on Air, which had induced the listeners in error. As an aside, Herbert George Wells was an important member of the famous Fabian Society in London (UK) since 1886, when he wrote this anticipation novel between 1895 and  1897 ! Whatever we think about the attitude and the exceptional interpretation of Orson Welles (far too realistic), he will definitively remain one of the most original and provocative actor and director worldwide !

About Nikola Tesla, whether he died on January 7th, 1943 in Manhattan (New York, USA) from a heart attack, an apoplexy, or something less natural, he certainly wanted to pierce the secrets of Mars. The receiver-transmitter with Mars he had conceived as early as 1901, was in fact a quite small machine. It was even surprisingly the smallest one of all the devices he had created. The way it was functioning is still unclear. But it seems its secret is unlocked somewhere in the notes he left : they are now in the Museum of Belgrade (Serbia). And the war of Yugoslavia (1991 - 2001), gave many opportunities to photocopy them ! 

It is very contradictory as the efficiency of this machine to communicate with Mars or Venus as Tesla did, has been denied for long by a majority of  scientists : only his more lucky challenger Guglielmo Marconi (1874 - 1937), or Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) he had worked with thereafter, thought he could be right. Anyhow, he had clearly presented this device as an interplanetary communicator. But it seems it wasn't simply based upon radio short waves, but on an unknown electrostatic technique of transmission. Yet until now, no scientist has been able to really make it work as he did : the short wave length of 10 Mhz is not the one of Mars, but of the Red Spot of Jupiter as it seems. So then the mystery of his device, more ordinarily used everyday as a simple toaster worldwide by several billions of people, is remaining !

It seems it didn't start from him but from "Martians", who had noticed about his impressive discoveries. It's a bit like if another civilization outside Earth was applauding him, while he was so much criticized on his own planet, Earth. His conceptions about Mars were not shared at all by the scientific community, and certainly costed him the Nobel prize of Physics, that he never received. About it, he said : "Present is theirs, but Future is mine" ! Tesla fell in a common scientific trap : he thought that Earthling scientists wanted to discover the truth about Mars and other planets, when most of them seem to make efforts to prevent annoying discoveries showing the lack of supremacy of human beings in the Cosmos. That's why every time there is a promising discovery, you can be sure there will be an almost immediate "scientific" contradiction coming, often biased !

As an epilogue, Tesla's secret machine being in your kitchen, you should observe it, and try to imagine how Tesla was using it to communicate with Mars...and the Martians he deeply believed in. On that point, the only scientists acknowledging him were rare. It was even the only point of agreement with the Italian Guglielmo Marconi, one of his main competitors, apart their long quarrel of licenses about various inventions linked to radio waves !

According to him strange and repeated signals were coming everyday from the Southern hemisphere of Mars. They were both radio signals - and even light (or colored) signals. If we have correctly understood his secret, it seems he established a written code to interpret the drawings left on ordinary toasts by his machine. How himself was responding with the same machine emitting is still unclear !

So relax when getting up, prepare your coffee or your tea, and obviously put two slices of bread in your toaster. When it's hot and ready, take it out of the machine and observe with attention your toasts. What can you see ?

If you observe carefully the surface of your two toasts, you will be able to realize they are not totally similar. The drawings left on the surfaces of your bread can be considered as patterns. And those patterns are following a code. So what you miss is the code to interpret the messages !

Tesla had compiled with patience a list of interpretations of those patterns. And he was about him, able to answer the messages, by using his device as a transmitting machine as well. And it's those notes among thousands which was looked for in the Museum of Belgrade during the war of Yugoslavia (now the ex-Yugoslavia) !

According to Tesla, this method of drawings would be used since a long time by ETs to communicate with us, the Earthlings. It's not totally ignored by science, as crop circles for instance are said to deliver their messages this way. Of course, we are talking about the real ones full of good sense and honesty, realized in just an instant during the day through a swift and accurate technology (their ancient pictorial mode of communication, "Aridif"), not about the fake ones : the latter look full of amateurism, with many spelling mistakes, and need hours to realize during the night !

Oddly enough, during his life, Nikola Tesla himself never had the Yugoslav nationality, even he had successively three : Austrian, Hungarian, and American ! He was a Serb born in Croatia (in Smiljan, on July 10th, 1856), from a father who was an Orthodox priest, and a mother who was herself an inventor...and a kind of seer able to communicate with other worlds as well : so, it seems that he took a lot from his mother !

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