by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
Let's recall first for our saga, "Katun Cauac" means "the time of tempest (s)" in the language of Mayas. But till nowadays we don't understand why they made a distinction between four types of tempests, by giving them a different colour : white, red, black, or green (pale), a bit like the four knights of Apocalypse.
We can just understand it covers various realities, and not nice ones for Earth.
Everything has to start officially on next december 21st according to their calculations, or december 23rd if following modern recalculations. But the first real day of this "new zero era" is in fact december 22nd with Kukulkan's coming back. Paradoxically, it would mark the end of Venus religion and the start of the Pleiades' one.
It's certainly difficult to admit the return of this supreme God, also called Quetzalcoatl ("the feathered snake") around those dates, especially we are Westerners and not Mayas.
Yet, the religion of Venus exists also in Western countries under a different name, but it's very cleverly hidden behind old symbols, so visible in everyday life you don't even notice at them. Hence, it depends on the advancement of people to catch them or not. So then, just a few people happened to realize what they actually believed in, making funny various mixtures and confusions with Christianity. But not many people are even certain they know precisely what they really believe, in our masked Occident, including with the funny ideology of laicity : it became paradoxically a kind of "supra-religion" for atheists ! Everybody just follow the movement. And this can apply also elsewhere on Earth, of course.
Astronomically, the real question is about Earth orbital curse in connection with its sister Venus.
The problem is everything has already changed on last february 16th, with the coming of a strange asteroid called a week later "2012 DA 14" by Granada Observatory (Spain). It didn't hit Earth, neither blast on it, but it narrowly avoided the blue planet in a total ignorance of Earthians. Yet, it didn't go away at all, as it curiously remains circling over our heads.
As a matter of fact, it stays presently in the attraction of Earth, constantly sticking to it with an elliptical orbit at a quite high speed...till it crosses it - and miss it (?) - again officially on february 15th 2013. It may be a small part of rock detached from Mercury, ready for "a big kiss"!
In fact, it's circling around Earth in around 22 hours : astonishingly, this length of time was the one of Earthian day about 400 millions years ago.
Indeed, the asteroid "2012 DA 14" became a very tiny moon of Earth beside the far bigger Moon, temporarily at least.
A few specialists realized in this new interconnection, that the orbit of Earth may be slightly affected itself (it could even be the main purpose). And strangely a modification of Earth's orbit in the space was taken on account by the Mayas with the advent of "Katun Cauac".
This leads us to talk about another problem, the eventuality of Earth's continents' dislocation - and relocation -, equalilly in connection with Maya calculations.
This would imply a huge subduction of continents, and a terrific move of tectonic plates.
Let's remember what happened on december 26th 2004 from Sumatra (Indonesia) to Thailand and Sri Lanka : it was so powerful that it modified the axis of Earth rotation, even if specialists considered almost immediatly it may just have been slight... by intuition, more than calculations.
It echoed the equinox precession (slow change of Earth's axis direction) which occurs every 25 800 years, and was known by Hipparcos (IInd century BC).
When the German astronomer and climatologist Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) initiated his "theory of continental drift" in 1912 - initially called "continental translation" -, everybody laughed at him. And yet fifty years after, this specialist of Greenland (Denmark) became officially admitted.
According to him at the very beginning there was only one huge continent he called "Pangea", surrounded by a unique super-sea named "superthalassa". But through telluric and cosmic events it parted in several smaller continents 200 million years ago. But most parts are still connected above the seas and also below the seas, and attached through a main point, a kind of focal point for the whole Earth. For instance the Alps chain is connected to Asia.
This main point is considered nowadays to be situated in France, in the tiny beautiful village of La Baume-Cornillane (DrĂ´me), which population is a bit rising since 1999 : it is appearing as a new Earth navel after Delphi (Greece) or Cuzco (Peru), even if most people ignore it except in Valence.
On next winter solstice, Earth has to be aligned with the Sun. It happens at this date every year, so most people consider this as a non-event. Nonetheless, what is more unique this year is an alignment including the Pleiades, as this far more rarely happens simultaneously in the galaxy.
And only two days after (december 23rd 2012), another alignment will happen between Earth, Venus and Jupiter - twinning the one of Earth, Mercury and Jupiter on december 17th -, which is sufficient to catch NASA attention.
There may be beautiful and dangerous cosmic phenomenons to watch and participate nilling willing. Nevertheless, at the difference of the Ancient ones most scientists don't attribute any power on Earth to the cosmic forces in game around those very days. Earth is considered as a "solid fortress" in the space, and absolutely nothing can influence it, according to their cartesian mind. Why should it ?
Obviously nobody knows exactly what happened to Earth a so long time ago when the same thing occurred, but there are some remains, traces and artefacts showing it wasn't much neutral. Actually, it seems it was rather shaky even. But we are not prehistoric men and women, so flegmatism should be sufficient to face the problem normally, shouldn't it ? !
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