Sunday, February 4, 2024

Just science-fiction LXIII : Postface to the Apocalypse of Saint John !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


Today, we are going to introduce our Postface - or brief explanatory comment -  to the Apocalypse ("Revelation") of Saint John ! 

Of course, our interpretation has to be taken as "Just science-fiction" as usually, after the name of one of our mascot series !

So sit down comfortably in your armchair or your sofa, and enjoy our reading. Just take it as usually as a masterpiece of imagination, and nothing more !


Nowadays, the Apocalypse of Saint John is mainly studied as a long process to come, and never as a process already almost entirely accomplished. What Saint John himself has effectively written is a subject of questions. He should normally have died as a martyr in front of the Porta Latina in Roma under the Emperor Domitian (81 - 96 AD). But after having been plunged into a cauldron of boiling water or oil, he was rejuvenated and regenerated instead ! Respected and feared for his thaumaturgical and seer powers, he was then exiled on the island of Patmos from 94 to 96 AD, where he wrote the Apocalypse : he was even nicknamed "the Eagle of Patmos", in reference to the prophet Ezekiel, for his hallucinating quasi-Messianic dimension. The key of his writing is that he disliked particularly human meanness, that he didn't consider at all as a venial and very discrete sin, or as a simple "mental dust". There is certainly a huge and fundamental misunderstanding about that, which will be illuminated on the Doomsday and its tomorrows. In 96 after the death of Domitian, he was allowed to come back to Ephesus where he died at the age of 90. His personal writing of the Gospel carrying his name is very largely denied, because he was already dead since a certain time when it was finally achieved ! Thus, this last canonical Gospel appears nowadays to most exegetes as a collective writing of scholars, just using his name for prestige. That's why it's called the "Gospel according to Saint John" and not of Saint John, "Saint John" being then only a generic and collective name, like a brand ! 

However, to stay open despite everything, a little doubt is still possible about the short Prolog ("In the beginning was the Verb, and the Verb was God...") and what is now the chapter III of this Gospel concerning Jesus' personality and family or marital life : they might have been a written basis left for posterity by Saint John. The ways of the Lord being impenetrable, who knows after all ? Anyhow, this last canonical Gospel was clearly finished not before, but after the Apocalypse of Saint John about it, around 110 AD or even 125 AD. And in spite of his thaumaturgical powers, nobody thinks he could have come back after his death. Saint John of Zebedee, celebrated every 27 December, was the youngest apostle of Jesus Christ : he wasn't quite an adult at that memorable time (as born around 11 AD, with a Jesus Christ's death and resurrection circa 29 AD). Saint John is remarkable among all the apostles, because he was the preferred one of Jesus, after Maria-Magdalena of course. Both were those who best understood and admired Jesus : they were always his most faithful supporters. They never denied him as Peter, nor betrayed him like Judah !

The Apocalypse is counting 22 chapters, like the number of letters in the Aramaic Consonantal Alphabet (and posterior Hebrew). This alphabet starting with "Alaph" is ending by "Tau" (which importance has been underlined in several of our previous articles of "Just science-fiction") ; and it is said to have been given by the Pleiadians. This detail must be recalled in connection with "the Tau-IX Treaty for the Preservation of Humanity" of 1958, between several groups of ETs and the USA. However the Pleiadians have refused to sign it, both to respect their divine mission and not to transfer a part of their highly advanced technology to America, unlike the various Greys for instance. "Tau" is standing for the World, and "IX" for Completion, as every 9 years this Treaty is achieved and has to be renegociated. We are quoting the Pleiadians because a very important role is attributed to them by the Apocalypse, even they are not directly named so in. They are called "Angels" like Aldebarans, their counterparts playing also a determining interaction and a key-role in the whole process. If you have read our previous articles of "Just science-fiction", you know already some common characteristics about both of them !

On the Doomsday, the Dead will be revived and judged with the Living by Jesus Christ during the Parousia. It means that they will be reborn through the same body after their resurrection (not reincarnation then). And this curious process, seemingly impossible at the moment, is called "Meteomsomatosis". It is thus different from the Metempsychosis of the famous Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570 - c. 495 BC) !

The mecanism of Meteomsomatosis is involved with the fundamental and natural element that is Carbon on our Earth. That's why the present world war against CO2 (Carbonic Gas) could be seen as a simplistic, empirical, and may be vain attempt to escape the Apocalypse. This must be quoted, beside the unsaid world war to the Zeta Reticulian and Rigelian expansion on Earth. As a matter of fact, small Greys and tall Greys (their controllers), like plants, need CO2 to breathe well on Earth, still more than the descendants of Martian survivors - in much smaller numbers - in Antarctica and in Tierra del Fuego (South America). The secret of Uranides has been well kept ! 

After the Doosmday inadvertently provoked by the uncontrollable agressivity of human beings, the Pleiadian Angels have to proceed to "the Great Rapture" of the elected ones (144 000 people only). 666 is the number of human beings, and not uniquely of a single individual or even the two Beasts of the Apocalypse (Chapter 13). The Doomsday might finally happen, because the Pleiadians and the Aldebarans are tired of spending their time disabling the ICBMs or nuclear tactical missiles created by human beings, sometimes with the unexpected support of the various Greys ! 

The Slavonic translation of the star "Absinthe" ("Wormwood") in the Apocalypse of Saint John is clearly the star "Chernobyl" ! However, many people who are considering themselves as already "chosen" on Earth, might have an enormous final surprise. Anyhow, the ultimately chosen ones will be taken in the Pleiadians' (and finally may be too the Aldebarans') huge vessels from Earth to another similar planet : possibly the still unknown "Herna". And on this new planet, they will have to start a new life like Adam and Eve did on Earth. Whatever it will be like a new Eden is just suggested !

So a very small number of people would be saved on a highly populated planet now (8 billion inhabitants). As a matter of fact, Earth is officialy affected by an apparently irremediable climatic change : the secret of the Meadow, able to absorb Carbon and to regenerate itself up to 50 times more quickly than the Forest with an equivalent effect on the level of Oxygen produced, is remaining rather ignored. It is marked also by various natural cataclysms, world crisis, pestilence, and finally by the suicidal option of another World War, the most terrible of all !

Then various explanations to this limited number of saved people are presently possible. First, there is human meanness, which claims to be Antichristian and natural, animals being often more "humanitarian" than human beings in that case : it would be Darwinist by nature, beyond what Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) himself wrote far after Saint John. Second, at the time of Saint John the world population was far smaller (around 250 million people). Third, the Third World War to come probably very soon, should kill a huge number of people on Earth in different ways, including with the terrible nuclear winter that would follow : what is striking today is the lightness with which this subject is treated, in an atmosphere of bluff of the warmonger "pacifists", and the unpreparedness in which their civilian population is kept in this crazy "poker game". And fourth, the capacity of the Pleiadian spaceships will most likely have a certain limit !

The warnings of Our Lady of Fatima (Portugal, 1917), as well as the more precise ones of Our Lady of all Nations also called Our Lady of Akita (North of Japan, from 1973, with important and repeated cryings from 1975 to 1981), haven't been listened at all. The gigantic submarine earthquake (magnitude 9, this number again), and the ensuing tsunami and nuclear catastrophe of Fukushima, in Northern Japan too - Honshu - on March 11th, 2011, might not have been a simple coincidence. The Apocalypse of Saint John has never been restricted to the Christian orb only, but to whole Earth indistinctly, even it remains a great mystery for human beings !