Monday, July 25, 2022

Rediscovering famous characters X : the greatest dentist of Central America !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


You will certainly have difficulties in finding who is our character of the day, as this man is incidentaly known in history for totally opposite things than dentistry. 

He was living in Central America in the VIIth century. He was a Maya of the city-state of Palenque (Chiapas, Mexico). But in fact, he remained unknown for centuries till 1952, with the discovery and the excavation of his tumb (also called "the Temple of inscriptions") ! 

Let's rediscover together this astonishing man, who has been able to recently stress the whole world with his strange oracle abilities, founded on Venusian computation and astrology !


Of course, you are puzzled because you have never heard about our mysterious character of the day as a dentist...even since 1952. The reason is his vocation has been largely hidden till now. Him, he was just happy when operating with the pretty Tz'akb'u, his sparkling assistant...and wife. He was a specialist of bridges of really any kind, from obsidian to emerald (the stone of Venus)! 

His technique was very comparable to the one of the best dentists of Etruria (presently Tuscany, Italy) from the VIIIth century BC. The devices he made were so solid, than you can find them practically intact on bodies decomposed by time. Actually, they are what you can see first ! It has to be added also that "Venusian" emerald bridges were of the latest chic in the Mayan civilization. Yet they were not the most common !

Unclear circumstances in connection with the observation of anomalies on Planet Venus built his sudden destiny. Because of his lineage and the call of Cosmos, he was in a way forced by the Sun Great Priest to become King (615 - 683) at twelve, as well as a kind of holy Venusian oracle for Mayas thereafter, 

Do you guess at this stage who we are talking about ? It's difficult, especially if you are not a specialist of Central America in the precolombian time. So we better uncover his name : nowadays he is called Pacal Votan (603 - 683), King - "Ahau" or "Sovereign" - of the Mayan city-state of Palenque !

Pacal Votan (K'inich Janaab' Pakal or "Shield against the Radiating Sun") is remaining famous nowadays for the "Telektonon", also better nicknamed "the Prophecy of the Vth Sun" concerning the destiny of whole mankind. This prophecy stressed a lot the whole world at the approach of December 21st, 2012 ! 

In conclusion, many specialists have totally missed what Pacal considered as his true vocation : the art of dentistry ! And they missed as well the rule of 9 years plus one of this King also nicknamed "the Magician of Time"! 

And as they were misleaded by the Moon, by calling his prophecy "the prophecy of the thirteen moons", they totally underestimated the power of the Sun on world climate change and mega fires all over the world  we can presently observe !

Besides, the dentistry technique of Pacal ("the Shield") hasn't been studied enough till now. It is certain we have a lot to learn from him. By comparison, the best modern bridges are guaranteed only 15 years. They are not at all expected to last centuries after the death of the patient, at the difference of the ones of King Pacal !

It has to be added the touch of the pretty Tz'akb'u, his assistant, was certainly determining in the quality of dental amalgams. Tz'akb'u was in fact a Mayan princess who had a strong sense of service. In Nah Chan (the real Mayan name of Palenque), she was the subject of a certain devotion during her lifetime !