Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Christianism often without Jesus : the human incomprehension !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

This experiment of a God made human shouldn't be reinitiated. It creates confusion and human beings don't understand it. They start doubting about the power of God, or even about his own existence.
It's definitively not the best divine choice for the future.
Human beings are expecting from God to be above them, and certainly not to be at their level. Divine humility is thus to be disadvised.

The Christianism we were taught is far to derive only from Jesus Christ. Syncretism between holy Scriptures, antic Mithraïsm (transposition of the "Sol invictus" celebration on December 25th, for Jesus "official" birthday...), and the Egyptian religion of Goddess Isis (the image of Maria the Virgin with her infant in the arms), was at work. And is it so annoying ? Not necessarily !

But often, we can wander what is exactly coming from Jesus, directly and personally ?
His youth is known but completely ignored. He has not the right to be himself, but only what far exegetes decided he ought to a convenient instrument of their own material power on human beings. And finally, he is the one who has least say in Christianism !

The most annoying part is that human beings, who feel they are Superior to others - what he strongly disputed himself by often appearing as a rebel character -, are deciding who has to be forgiven or not, and who can get redemption or not. And that's terribly wrong. They should instead wander about their own pardon and salute ! Because at the end, only God is deciding, and certainly not them with their selfish and narrow minded vision and aims !

Was Jesus a man or a God ? In fact, both ! The only thing true about him, is himself considered he was the son of God : he recalled it to Joseph, when he wanted to behave as every father would do !
And the first time he ressucitated a human being wasn't with Lazarus, but far before with Zenon, in his childhood when he used to study Greek. People have forgotten the Holy Land was previously a Greek province, which fell under the control of the Romans afterwards.

So then Zenon was a classmate. And as they were playing once on a roof, the latter fell on the floor... stone dead. As Jesus was already notorious in the area, a small crowd was taking shape accusing him to have pushed the boy, and to have killed him. To stop any further problem, Jesus approached the lifeless body of his comrade, and said loudly in Aramean: "Zenon Khoum" ("Stand up Zenon") ! "Khoum" ("Stand up") ! "And tell them I didn't push you !" And Zenon did so, by ressucitating over suddenly !

This event which shook everybody, as well as him as a young boy, shaped totally his destiny to come. Now, he would help "crashed" or "crushed" people, and save them with his godly powers, by ignoring more often those who were getting on his nerves ... that he used to petrify !
Consequently people started to be less trembling in his presence : he was more easily accepted and even began to be highly praised.

About adult Jesus in front of Pontius Pilate, the Governor of Judea, it is remarkable the latter was impressed by him, and even liked his character. But Jesus behaved more like a son of God than a human being, and he didn't even try to make an alliance with the overthrow the malicious Caiph, and Herod Antipas, the usurper Tetrarch of Galilea, when him was an official descendant of King David ! Hence, Pontius Pilate really tried to spare him as the four Catholic Gospels are showing, the last failed try being with the choice given to the crowd between him and Barabbas !

An important reminder must also be made about Maria of Magdala. The Church considers since 1969 she could be a different person from Maria in Bethania, without proving it clearly. And this version could seem audacious as for the number.
In Bethania then, the latter Maria, in Simon's home, anointed spontaneously the feet of Jesus with a good quantity (one pound) of an extremely expensive perfume called "Nard". And to top it all, she dried them ...with her own hair (Saint John, XII-3) ! And those quite astonishing actions are showing that in her eyes, the human part of Jesus was definitively smaller than the divine one.

The exaggerated controversy about Maria-Magdalena is astonishing when you consider the way a lot of people are considering marriage as a pillar of the faith...except for Jesus, whose "wife" instead of her, would have been the Church, not existing yet at this very time.
Just recently during the last synod about family, the new Pope Francis (born in 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentine), who is an opened man, had a lot of difficulties with the assembly of Bishops, to help a significant general evolution, just for ordinary people...or people who wish to be so.

However, according to the Gospel of Saint John, Jesus was definitively married with a woman, and a beautiful one.
But, we don't know if John the Baptist who was clearly impressed and admirative of Jesus as "the Married Man" (Saint John, III-29) - like he is so explicitly quoting for any potential reader eager to discover the answer -, made an obvious parallel at that precise moment, with God Yahve himself and his Ashera ?!

Often, the Jesus we imagine is a just a convenient synthesis of several sources, which has been highly directed by Saint Paul from the beginning. Yet, Paul has never been his Apostle.
But, he has clearly rebased Christianity, and forgotten in the meantime about the role of Maria-Magdalena. On the opposite, Saint John who wrote one of the four Gospels admitted by Roma, and which reading should be more encouraged, ... was an Apostle of Jesus about him !

Redemption, with the access to the Kingdom of Heaven, which was the main point of Jesus is now confusedly seen through the eyes of Saint Paul (as the ex-Saül of Tarse who wanted to be saved for his mortal sins, like the deaths of Etienne or even James, Jesus' brother), more than through the ones of Jesus Christ : what an incredible paradox !

Of course, it is admitted Saül becoming Paul, had changed totally after his electrocution by a sudden flash of lightning on the road to Damascus, when he lost the sight temporarily.
Nevertheless, some people might have a big surprise expecting for them, when at the entrance of the Kingdom of Heaven, even they got the Paulinist absolution from a priest.
That is as the mistral, yet not a wind of aquilon : when it blows, it can be three sheets to the wind there.

In the "side-religion" of Mithra, after death, the deceased person is founding herself on a bridge connecting Earth and Heaven, where she is meeting a pretty girl and a beautiful man (in fact both are "Yazata", or "Angels"). And the person has to give the good answer to several questions. If she does, the beautiful Angel of the opposite sex is taking her hand, and she is admitted in the Kingdom of Heaven. And if she doesn't, both Angels are disappearing and leaving her alone : then, the bridge is suddenly narrowing and the person falling directly in Hell.

Amazingly, people who are sincere, uncomplicated, and good-hearted (what never meant idiot !), which includes far more than just Christians, can be "touched" by Jesus' light, and feel a great serenity. This goes thus beyond baptism, and gets back rather to the inner child still living in us, with his divine blessings as a reward !
His universal message really reached his target on every continent, ...printed with an ink called "Love" !

Presently, on the web there is a funny rumor about a mini-Doomsday coming very soon. This Fundamentalist prediction which seems to come from America, would be based upon a strange absence of Sun for three days to start from December 21st, which NASA would be warning of.
We are hardly believing in this which has to be confirmed, except if it is for Boreal areas where this is happening every year, and more than three days anyway !
Around 2000 years ago, only Jesus was able to "congeal" the Sun, by plunging temporarily the Mount Golgotha into darkness !

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