Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The surge of nostalgy in the "new" France : a uchronic history for fantasy from 2017 !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

The title of our new article is a bit surprising, but it is just describing what may be on the way to occur in France from this year.
In 2017, a seemingly tired People, is going over suddenly to find a new energy, and to express itself openly without taboos.
The "Gaulois" spirit will be in honour, and the old soul of France will overwhelm politics, a lot of people appearing mesmerized and stammering ! For some people, an individualized spirit materialized in a "Super-Goblin" ("Super-Gobelin" in French) which name must stay secret, would be strongly presiding over the country's destiny.
It may look like a fantasy for children, a tale then, but he would be living in Normandy, in Mount Saint Michel and sometimes spending holidays in the nearby Etretat (inside the Hollow Needle).
Half-jokingly, try to imagine this secret entity totally bilingual - as Normandy was English for a long time like Aquitania - going to Paris just for fun, by bus for instance ! He might just, funnily, take over people who are going too fast to reach nowhere !
This powerful chtonian being symbolizing France as "Super-Goblin", wants a tremendous metamorphosis to surge in French politics, which could provoke an enormous change ever seen since 1789, or even before.
The People who is eager for something very different, might get it in an unusual manner, and everything might be topsy-turvy anew.
Strangely, it could put France on its initial tracks again, as it was already topsy-turvy from a long time.
France has always been a country of strong paradox, but deep down it is a country of nostalgy.

Less than two years ago, the only politician to have a surprising contribution about Kingship was Emmanuel Macron (born in Amiens - France  - in 1977).
When he was still minister of economics and finance, he declared to "Le 1 hebdo" on July 7th, 2015 (interview published on the day after), what is following about the French main source of nostalgy :
 "In French politics, the absent is the character of the king, whom I think fundamentaly the French people didn't want the death. Terror dug an emotional, imaginary, (and) collective void : the king isn't anymore there !
It has been tried to reinvest this void, and to put in other characters : those ones are the napoleonian and gaullist moments, notably. The remaining time, French democracy doesn't fill the space. One can see it with the permanent interrogation about the presidential figure, since the departure of General de Gaulle. After him, the normalization of the presidential figure reinstalled an empty seat in the heart of political life. However, what is expected from the president of the republic, is that he occupies this office. Everything has been built upon this misunderstanding."
Now Emmanuel Macron, who resigned last year and left the government, is running for the next presidential elections in April and May of this year.
So, say by chance he would be elected President with an ingenious and progressist program, it could be interesting then to renew the interview.

With the Socialist reform of contracts of last year, the French Civil Code has been almost totally renewed. And even Napoleon Ist (1769 -1821), if he was reviving, couldn't recognize his Code after this change !
The new article 1210 of the French Civil Code particularly, is absolutely unexpected and amazing.
It is putting an end to a more than bicentenial controversy, since October 1st, 2016. And it is too discretely marking the end of the "Common Advent", and its delusive or even mocking illusions.
Now on, perpetual engagements or contracts are still prohibited, but...the fact they are put on evidence doesn't anymore provoke their cancellation.
In its second paragraph, this absolutely historical article is saying that those conventions will be considered as undeterminate.
And to put an end to them, one of the parts has to claim for it.
It means they can be cancelled as other ordinary conventions with an undeterminate length, but that's all. The validity of the perpetual engagements for the past is then recognized.

It's really revolutionary or more accurately counter-revolutionary, as many people didn't - or couldn't - buy back feudal rights from their lord or ultimately from the King as supreme suzerain, at the end of the Old Regime.
From 1789 to 1793, serves started to pay the compensation voted in the night of August 4th, 1789 with the abolition of privileges, but they stopped definitively four years later : all the procedures of payment were abandoned because of Jacobines. Another obvious reason was that instead of being arrested, mistreated, and guillotined, a lot of nobles chose to emigrate, usually to England, Holland, the German side of the French border, ...or the USA like Dupont de Nemours - but not the ancestors of Walt Disney (D'Isigny) who got along with William the Conqueror to England in 1066.
The reason of this strange and suicidal gesture of French nobility which initiated this vote, was connected in fact to the heavy debts of this order and the urgent need of fresh cash.
The year 1793 was marked by the execution of the King, the Queen, and their cousin aspiring to be King instead of Louis XVI, "Philippe Egalité", and too by the French civil war.

As a matter of fact, there was the uprising of Vendée against Jacobine Terror, and then the extermination campaign of Jacobines against the "Chouans" : they were simply catholic peasants (bold men and women), who demanded their few remaining lords to lead them for the defence of the King Louis XVII, in the name of the Holy Heart of Jesus.
They were nicknamed "Chouans" because of the whistling noise they were making at night to communicate, by imitating owls and then frightening the "Blues" ("les Bleus", after the color of the uniforms of Jacobine troops).
The plan of extermination of Vendée from General Louis-Marie Turreau (1756 -1816), implying the use of "Infernal Columns", was approved by the Convention and the Committee of Public Salute on January 19th, 1794. Coincidentaly, it was on the very day Louis XVII (Versailles 1785 - Skelton [UK] 1794 - c. 1860), was exchanged by the Count of Courtenay and his busty assistant, Miss Barett, from the jail Temple against the retarded son of the Marquis de Jarjayes, through the Black Operation "Robin Hood" : it is remaining as one of the greatest successes of the British Secret Services, for an ultra-dangerous and Impossible Mission !
This war seemed to be finished in 1796, with the final arrest and execution of the "Chevalier de Charette" (1763 - 1796).

As a conclusion, nostalgy is a secret key to understand French people. It can overwhelm everything anytime and anywhere : it is as unstoppable as the strong Wind coming like a freed Griffin from Mount Saint Michel over an out of breath political and social system. Another symbol could be used again, recalling by a strange coincidence Goddess Athena Nikê, the one of the Great Owl : "la Chouette" in French, very origin of the "Chouans" ' nickname !

The "Chouans" of Vendée, Brittany, and Normandy, or from Poitou and the South-West of France are considered to have disappeared totally at the end of the XVIIIth century. And their equivalent in the Eastern part of France, on the way to Switzerland, in Bourg-en-Bresse area (situated between Lyons, Mâcon and Geneva), the "Companions of Jehu" lead by the nicknamed "Morgan", vanished about them in the very beginning of XIXth century - as a prolongation.

Hence officially, no movement is really known to defend precisely their cause nowadays.
Even unofficially, no invisible or underground movement seems to have been noticed in France and abroad, to follow a mysterious King of "New Chouans" to be, in the names of Saint Denis and Saint John.
That's why it can appear almost extraordinary, that a noticeable part of the French electorate (an hidden electorate ranging from 20 to 22% of voters, as an estimation) is feeling royalist or monarchist affinities, whatever they are men or women, and old or young.

Of course, this could be also connected to our hybrid political system since General de Gaulle (1890 - 1970), the Vth Republic having established a kind of "Principate" (See the "Preparatory Works" on the Constitution of October 4th, 1958), with its very strong monarchic presidency. 
Anyway, French People is not anymore ready to let itself taken in by pretence this time.
For all of them, the very sudden surge of nostalgy means hope and miracle !

Thus, this totally un-guessed and then wholly underestimated part of French voters might make, against all odds, the presidential election in 2017. Whoever will be finally elected President next May, he - or she ? - might owe them victory... without forgetting "Super-Goblin" !
This year, for sensitive people, is appearing to be perhaps the unique and last chance of a formidable renewal of French politics in a never seen manner, for a country which is refusing to die, eternal France !

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