Thursday, November 16, 2017

Just science-fiction XXV : Pelicanism's boom !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

Today in this new episode of "Just science-fiction", we are going to talk about an attitude of mind which is becoming overwhelming, "Pelicanism".
Of course, our narration has to be taken as in the title, which means "Just science-fiction".


"Pelicanism" is deriving from the word "pelican", which is a famous bird with a funny beak.
When the pilot Kenneth Arnold (1915 - 1984) reported to have seen nine unusual flying objects near Mount Rainier (State of Washington, USA) on June 24th, 1947, which movements were "like a saucer if you skipped it across the water", some commentators immediately took mickey out of him.
They said he just saw a flight of pelicans !
They were the first debunkers, but not the last ones.
Since that event, "Pelicanism" has acquired a meaning of active skepticism despicting any unusual observation. And it's presently in a full boom.

The strange thing about "Pelicanism" is that it's not connected at all to the observation, but to the non-observation or to the fact you are not allowed to observe anything. So, it is more like a a general attitude of mind (refusal), than an expression of what a human mind can really see. It leads you to become blind when you are not, which is not very healthy.
You could almost write a "pelicanist" article about an event which never happened in that way, publish it to deny an observation, and be trapped or englued because someone has just forgotten to publish first about the unusual observation (Pleiadian joke) : aha !
Then, it has nothing to do with science. From the right beginning what you are going to say will be anyway ridiculed : so there is not point to say it !

On a long trend, "Pelicanism" can obviouly render science itself very dubious. For instance, when you watch a program about Mars nowadays, you absolutely don't know what is true or not, and why it is taking so long to officially send an inhabited interplanetary vessel onto it. Especially, you perceive as uchronic any information of a recent miners' strike on Mars for better labour conditions, if nobody from Earth is supposed to be overthere since 1975.
Your mind gets then puzzled, even you guess those selected Earthlings of "Alternative 3" (defined during Huntsville conference - USA - in 1954) don't live with the Martian surviving civilization. The latter is essentially living underground since the Pleiadian war, and is accustomed for thousands of years now to breathe mainly CO2 - like plants.
Like children, we have to accept the common idea that what we are taught is always the truth, even it implies human science is backward and underdevelopped - when it's not the reality.
It must be a deep source of frustation for some scientists not to be able to be recognized for their great achievements in applied science, and not to be allowed to share even a slight part of their fantastic knowledge about our so amazing world !

What is funny about "Pelicanism", is that one of its promoters has been trapped by himself unwittingly.
In 1957, on the island of Trindade (Brasil), he was able to take several pictures of threatening UFOs. By luck, he was environned by a lot of eye-witnesses who were actually military men.
Coincidentaly, they were all present on this usually uninhabited island (except by goats), to make research surveys.
And this observation was even recognized officially thereafter, by the president of Brasil of the time.
So normally, it should have been considered as a definitive evidence about ETs' existence and their very advanced technologies.
Yet, it didn't really happen this way. The pictures of the photographer, who was a professional, have been partly doubted because previously he was known as a debunker. As a matter of fact, four years before, he had become famous in his country for having demonstrated how you can cheat with photography about UFOs. What a strange misadventure !

In this article, we do not intend at all to mock at pelicans, the birds.
We like them, and totally respect their venerable existence (whose lineage dates back about 100 million years).
It is just a coincidence that the first debunkers about UFOs started to criticize eye-witnesses, with this original story of "pelicans' flights" !

We do not either make any reference to the peculiar symbol of transmutation, known in alchemy.
Yet, it's in a way unusual that this big bird (the scale of its wings can reach 3.50 meters), has become the symbol of debunking.
What a strange paradox for such a extraordinary bird !

But, may be tomorrow, debunkers ("déboulonneurs" or "dégonfleurs d'histoires" in French), will be the first ones to know a funny metamorphosis. Once it will be allowed to talk freely about other species among cosmic humanity, they might lose their inner fear to be able to speak out without censoring others - and themselves. They will obey again, but in the opposite way !

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