by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
Here is another article of our mascot serie, "Just science-fiction".
As usually, just take it as a masterpiece of imagination !
Prince Arkon was the last Great Priest of Poseidon in Atlantis, a title similar to a kind of pope for this antediluvian civilization.
Arkon is the one who organized the saving of many people from Atlantis, as he knew about the coming catastrophe. He became their "shepard".
He especially went to the Eastern part of this thalassocracy (in an area which is now Sao Miguel island, a remain of the lost continent) to accomplish the last rites.
He had in view a brightened future, which could bring one day the rebirth of Golden Age !
The "lagoa das sete cidades" (called "the lake of the seven cities" in English), is nowadays a peculiar witness of this accomplishment.
This place is very singular, as the lake has got two different parts united by a bridge.
Those two parts haven't got at all the same colour : one is blue, and the other one clearly green. But strangely, you have to be proximate to the lake to be aware of that.
Normally, from a plane you would see both parts blue !
We have been able to realize about it during last Christmas holidays, on site.
Which strange clock of the "anterior past" was installed overthere by Arkon, in april 9564 BC ?
Prince Arkon, who was from the royal family of Atlantis, is also the one who saved its last Queen, called Pyrenea. During the catastrophe, they passed together from what is now Sao Miguel (Azores) to the European proximate continent, in what is presently Spain.
Queen Pyrenea established first in the heights of Gerona (present Catalogna), and ended up by giving her name to the chain of mountains now called "Pyreneas", lying between Spain and France.
Nowadays, Azores islands are famous worldwide for the existence of a powerful Anticyclone, affecting the weather of whole Europe.
On weather forecasts maps, it is indicated by a big A.
The existence of this hot air Stream could be a direct and observable consequence of Atlantis sinking, into the Atlantic Ocean. In the end of december for instance, the local weather is quite agreable, with a mild temperature (17 ~ 18° C).
The "lagoa das sete cidades" is in fact a volcanic crater, a caldeira. It is situated in the North-West of Sao Miguel, around 32 km away from its capital, Ponta Delgada - equally capital of the Azores archipelago. A small town, called "Sete cidades" is on the border of the lake, where you can buy a nice house if you are ready to live overthere - in the "parish" of Santa Claus. With its natural park, it's a protected area of Portugal since 1980.
The difference of colours of the "lake of seven cities" is attibuted in a legend to the tears of a princess and a shepard, which love was impossible because of the king's opposition. And the bridge is a way to keep them united against all odds, perhaps till the great day they can at last express and live their love freely !
Astonishingly, this singular lake can recall also the devoted love Arkon and Pyrenea were feeling for each other. Due to his position in the kingdom of Atlantis, Arkon wasn't allowed to show his love for his Queen. But the final catastrophe strangely bound them in the escape.
This anterior explanation is more connected to the geological accident which occurred in 9564 BC, with the undefinitive disappearing of the Atlantean continent into the Atlantic Ocean.
It was the time an extremely powerful weapon, called "Mashmak" - a kind of Death Ray -, was used by order of the last king of Atlantis in a terrible war against Lemuria, the opponent empire of Indian Ocean. Lemuria was destroyed by the fall of the second Moon of Earth (now called the "Black Moon" by astrologers), but soon after Atlantis disappeared too into the deep water !
What is happening now is still mysterious, but the anterior past will most likely make a strange reappearance soon, with the involvement of Alpha Centaurians and Pleiadians from the "T3 submarine complex" !
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