Friday, August 10, 2018

Just science-fiction XXXIII : the coming of Sassani and YahYel people on Earth !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

Today we are going to study about the possible interactions between the fifth and the third dimensions, with the examples of two people, Sassani and YahYel.
Of course, this has to be taken for complete science-fiction, as usually.


When you are in the fifth dimension, you can meet notably two different people : Sassani and YahYel.
Sassani look like an hybrid creation between Zetas and human beings, and YahYel have a strong resemblance with Earthlings - with a noticeable variation about their eyes.
Both are observing Earth with amusement : they don't understand why humans are self-limiting almost constantly, which makes their life harder !

Both groups are communicating by telepathy, long hair being essential for this purpose, with the astonishing exception of Sassani men who are bald-headed !
YahYel people are very active towards Earth. They have planned a massive silent landing with Sassani people by 2020. Ressucitating Golden Age and heaven on Earth are the targets.
Obviously, their "rangers" already passed the translucid border separating the fifth dimension and the third one : this happened over suddenly last May 2018. Thus they are among us incognito right now !

If you feel you are not could be because it is true - even you cannot see yet anybody.
A big number of individuals are still waiting into the fifth dimension.
Let's recall this dimension is less than 1 millimeter distant from the third one (ours) !
So you definitively don't need to count in lightyears.
There are spatio-temporal illusions which must disappear, to understand this change !

YahYel people notably are happy and joyous beings.
Their women are experts in make up and winking with their seducing eyelashes.
Often, they have beautiful green, blue or even brown slanting eyes.
They are quite a fun and never in despair. This attitude can make rigid people feeling unsettled.
On the contrary, flexible ones will feel comfortable and joyous.
Yet, there is a bad point about YahYel people : they can appear sometimes too mischievous.

Note that we often stress the passage between the fifth and the third dimension (or reflexive way), rather than between the third and the fourth ! The reason is the first one is far easier than the other : as a matter of fact, the fourth dimension is the one of hyperspace. In this dimension, you can even experiment a sense of ubiquity. But normally, circulating in this dimension is involving the use of huge resources : at the moment, this gateway is opened essentialy to America and Russia.
Another way is the highly meditative approach of ultra-mind (Guru Yoga connected to Hinduism or Buddhism...and unexpectedly to some high Jesuits under another name) : as you can guess, only a few people can use this slide.

After this important digression, let's quote that YahYel and Sassani people admit peaceful coexistence ! And this coexistence is exerted without a pointless need for domination, at the notable difference of human beings.

Thus, a new era of thinking might be encouraged on Earth, which could totally disorient binary beings : they might feel completely lost. So then in their case, they should better ignore them.

Philosophy of life is going to change enormously, and ternary or even quaternary thinking will surprisingly arise. And this refreshing new state of mind might appear unstoppable !

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