Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Just science-fiction XXXIV : Colibri, the amazing three grams of God !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

Whatever is the real explanation of Nazca site in Peru, beside spider and other giant geoglyphs, there is the notable presence of a huge Colibri : this drawing on the ground is certainly the most famous one ! Some specialists think it goes back to the VIIIth Century BC, and others to the Vth Century BC (note how the human scientific system of datation can be rather unprecise).

Why such a tiny bird (weighing only three grams for the one of South America) was chosen to be seen from the space ? Is it amazingly symbolizing the presence and print of WOA, the supreme God of most ETs on Earth ? In that case, it would be an extraordinary testimony of the past...and present.

Recently according to a new theory, this giant geoglyph as well as others wouldn't have been drawn on the ground to be seen from the space.  They would just be signals to indicate from the ground itself the presence of water - so difficult to see from far for human beings in that case.

Why not, as long as there would actually be water below ! And anyway, as spring of life water has very frequently been associated with most religions. This version is just harder for humans, bowing towards their God.
Anyhow, it would still point out for the first time an exo-religion far above humans, rather than a terrestrial one.

There are over 300 different species of Colibris in the world. For the smaller one, the weight is only three grams. It is only known it represents discernment, and then the ability to get to the very truth of everything.
Watch this bird, it looks so fragile, and yet it can fiercely defend the access to its flowers and to its territory. Comparatively to its whole size, its sharp beak is as long at its body !

We are living in an opened era, where heuristics is very important for new discoveries.
For instance, just recently it has been discovered that ants could bring petals of flowers on the dead body of a dead bumble-bee ! So ritualistic behavior is not at all reserved to human beings !
Often ritualistic behavior connected to death is linked to the belief in God, even on the most basic scale. And cleverness could be also just a matter of essence, and not a matter of scale !

Paradoxically, those intertwinned notions could be the secret transverse key of Nature.
At the level of an ant, Colibri is clearly a giant ! And ants, as insects, can end up as a meal for colibri, even it prefers usually the nectar of flowers.
The Hummingbird - "oiseau-mouche" in French - is not just another bird. It is incredibly energetic, as its wings are beating between fifty and seventy times per second. It can even fly reverse way, which makes it terrificly unique in Nature !

The Colibri of America is smaller than the one of Madeira (Portugal), this possible remain of Atlantis with Azores islands.
In America, this little bird can fly day and night on a quite long distance from North to South (1,000 km). And one can wander, from where this very tiny bird is drawing its enormous energy and endurance ?

Some species are specific to the Andes and South America. But whatever is the sort, young birds are training from the youngest age for the courtship display. This display concerning the males essentialy, will be magnificent, when they will have got their sublime feathers with iridescent metallic glints. With their agility and high speed, their performances will appear absolutely incredible...and not only to the amazed eyes of females !

Colibri's heart is beating at a rythm which would mean death for human beings : up to 1,200 heart beats per minute ! On the same level, its inner temperature would mean fever for us (39°C).
Its speed in flight is extraordinarily disproportionate, when you consider its tiny size : between 43 to 70 km/h. But some specialists consider that some species could even reach 100 km/h !

The message of Colibri isn't the one of alimentary chain, so exaggeratedly dear to human beings.
It is certainly participating to the pollinisation of flowers, like bees. But, its motto is more connected to a lovely conception of Nature, celebrating intelligence, beauty, and joy of life in the most delicate way.
And that's why it may have been chosen to represent WOA !

The divine show of colibri is something memorable, even in the eyes of human beings.
WOA wants to be known and recognized with such an astonishing display : it still more amazing than a peacock spreading his tail flat on the floor. And he is aware that human beings are very sensitive to great entertainments.
Moreover, WOA is fast to erase what is malicious, twisted or deceitful, and it's him who invented the Boomerang effect for dark and lost souls !

Human beings don't like what is boring. Instead of not receiving much mail of their counterparts, they instinctively follow their intuition about any divine mail instead.
That's something they can discover in Colibri's unearthly whistles, the ones that "Cylons" - AI with a full human appearance replacing progressively humans both in their public and private life, from now on - don't receive, whatever they are civil or not.
On that very point, things have been moved forward of one year !

No one can ever forget the Colibri that he - or she - has seen in the Air, when occurring.
And everyone can realize something mesmerizing has happened in his (or her) life, often so boring or hard.
For you to believe in God, WOA as supreme being, seems to be on his own for the most magnificent display if you are ready to Watch...and even if you are not, by the way !
Very strangely, the ultimate message of WOA is similar to the third secret of Our Lady of Fatima (1917), which will be delivered comprehensivley and without any filter very soon !

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