Saturday, May 4, 2019

Just science-fiction XXXVII : living discreetly on Mars, planet of the "Prince of Peace" !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

Today, we are going to study life on Mars, seen from a Martian point of view if following Andromedan sources. At this occasion, we will equally talk about its mysterious "Prince of Peace".
Obviously, what we will write has to be taken like in our title, id est "Just science-fiction".


Until now comments about Mars were made only on an Earthling account, which is often very limited and easy to guess : human beings are at the top of creation, nothing or nobody can beat them, and certainly not the unexisting intelligent beings of the desertic planet Mars !
Half-jokingly, Mars is so uninteresting that for numerous centuries, Earthlings are dreaming to explore it and to establish over there. On that account, the "Alternative 3" chosen in the conference of Huntsville  - Alabama, USA - in 1957 to rescue the elite of Earth from our highly polluted and overpopulated planet is comparatively very recent  : nowadays, climatic change and the accelerated disappearing of entire species are also stressed to explain why Mars was chosen to welcome a "new Arch of Noah" !

The NSA ultra-secret landing on Mars in 1959 was the landmark of this accomplished dream, according to Andromedan observers who are also listening NSA.
It took nine years to reactivate a previously abandoned base (in Mariner Valley Canyon), and several years more to recruit hiddenly people to establish in the newly baptized "Eve base" around 1975. This name was taken to symbolize the "New Genesis" of human beings, on this planet knowing also four seasons.
Of course, nothing would have been possible without the help of the Greys, on the basis of the "Corporative Treaties" of 1950 and 1954 with UN.

Afterwards, another base dedicated to the re-exploitation of minerals this time, was established on an abandoned base too with the support of Alpha-Dracos (also called Alpha-Draconians).
The name of this huge complex and city under domes is "Adam base". This name was planned for a base on the Moon initially, but it was never built because of the Black Fleet.
So all together, there would be two Earthling bases on Mars.
The establishment of this second base caused troubles around, because of the way of living and of treating manpower of Earthlings : they behaved as harsh colonizators, and didn't respect the peaceful rules of Martians. And they discovered quickly that Mars was inhabited, as Martian protesters from the big city of Urid (Equator of the planet) came with placards : "Earthlings go home !"

Since 1989, the connection with this base wasn't anymore possible from Earth. And Alpha-Dracos have been obliged to leave it : they withdrew on the Moon !
So we don't have anymore news about the Earthlings who were present on "Adam base" (in Hellas Elanitia - Plains of Gold area). And strangely, the link with "Eve base" is appearing to have been interrupted too.
But according to Andromedan sources, people survived, and they are living in difficult conditions.
Only the good will of Martians, and the fact Earthlings complied swiftly with Martian rules, finally saved them. In clear, Earthlings have been obliged to abandon their aggressive and domineering tendencies, to melt with the more harmonic atmosphere of Mars, which is rather against their nature.

It has to be added that Martian rules prohibit the exploitation of people, and manpower working in mines, by the newcomers of Earth.
Martians are rather hectic about the Earthling bad habit to practice double language : proclaiming freedom by words, and trying to enslave people and workers in their actions, by being hypocritically protected by the "official absence of intelligent life on Mars".
So then, some Earthling enslavers have been condemned to be themselves enslaved for several years, as a due punishment. And the reformed enslavers are now admitting, that everybody is deserving respect !

Earthlings have to be rather careful with Mars, as the very old colony of Antarctica has been operating on Earth, before human beings were genetically created - from skilled monkeys, if integrating the theory of Evolution of Darwin.
Equally, its secret connections with Latin America are presently known.
A hidden war is even opposing the "Martian core" of Antarctica and the USA since 2004 : the secret bombings of the latters are a complementary or even an alternate explanation to the ice melting of the South Pole, and could explain why America is now so surprisingly disclaiming the "climatic change".
In "Just science-fiction XXXV" dedicated to "the transplanetary universe of the last Martians", we have shown a hidden Superpower was born over there from 1947, under the flag of "the Black Fleet" after the retreat of the Admiral Byrd fleet (USA).

The way Martians consider life is extremely different from the Earthling point of view.
Whatever the group they belong to, Martians are educated by following the teachings they received from the "Prince of Peace" ten thousand years ago. And they consider themselves as highly civilized.
This "Prince" has apparently a lot to do with Jesus-Christ. And it is not clearly known, if he was the same character eight thousand years before appearing on Earth, or someone similar.
The main difference is that on Mars, he was honoured straight away with his refreshing ideas, without drama ! Another important point is that Martians don't make twisty circonvolutions not to apply his principles, about them !
Strangely, the "Prince of Peace" of Mars seemed to be known by erudite Hebrews, who were calling Mars "Maadim", and considered that "Jehoshua" was the master of this planet.

What is difficult to understand on Earth is the tremendous importance of ice caps for Martian water supply to the Equator of the planet for crops, and why canals look dry only during a certain period of the year. The landscape has certainly got different colours from Earth, but it's not at all uniform.
Again, it appeared very recently that Mars is still a living planet, with the earthquake recorded for the first time in the world, on April 6th, 2019, by the French SEIS Seismometer : it was set on the American landing gear InSight.
Another puzzling thing is connected to the appearance of pictures, because of the force field sheltering the planet from curious people. Yet, some Earthling observers have noticed something was wrong with the red filtered photos, when you just scratch them.

At the moment, Martians are still living happily by following their spiritual way of life.
They really worship the "Prince of Peace", who is another mysterious Jesus-Christ.
Happiness is not considered for them as an impossible aim. On the contrary, it is integrated in their everyday life from young age.

Martians, men and women, are very passionate comparatively with human beings.
But their passion is lasting, so then when they marry around the age of 35 after selective tests based upon attraction, emotions and intelligence, they stick to each other.  And it has to be underlined they can live in couple harmoniously, on an extremely long period.

So, they are not hopelessly at war between women and men, at the difference of our planet. When they are in age to marry, they are straight away looking for their "soul-sister", nothing less !

As they are awaiting happiness and not the opposite, love is really shared between them. The principle of conflict is not their cup of tea.
On Mars, divorce is existing only on "Eve base" which is an Earthling base. 

Another important point is the year on Mars is lasting 687 days, so one Martian year is almost equivalent to two terrestrial years. Hence, they have plenty days to occupy themselves with one of their most important passion : cooking joyfully in couple, while listening music or poetry !

At last, it has to be added that they welcome easily travelers from Andromeda, as they appear to them to be a real fun !
Above that, they consider them with an admirative respect, as the wise and erudite archivists of the galaxy !