Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Just science-fiction XXXVIII : embarking for Mars on Diego Garcia island, at last resort !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

Today, we are still going to follow Andromedan sources about travels to Mars (from Diego Garcia island), after studying the various options usually offered for this purpose.
Of course, this article has to be taken like usually as "Just science-fiction", which is the generic title of our mascot series.


Going to Mars is considered as extremely difficult at the moment, from a scientific point of view. It 's the target of NASA since the Mission Apollo 11, the successful landing of Neil Armstrong (1930 - 2012) and Buzz Aldrin (born in 1930) on the Moon (July 20th, 1969), and their first steps on its surface (July 21th, 1969).
As a rare moment of non fiction in this article, we want to stress that we appreciated to be able to meet Buzz Aldrin in Amiens (France) in 1990, and ask him questions about the latter Mission : this happened at the occasion of a special event dedicated to the writer of "From Earth to Moon", Jules Verne (1828 - 1905).
Officially, for the first inhabited travel to Mars, people will have to wait for a date which is always changing : 2030, 2033...or after.
The journey should last around 2 years, with some variations according to the scenario finally chosen (direct or semi-direct). The stay would be between 30 and 550 days, and the return would last between 180 and 430 days, depending on the technology and period of the year chosen (scenario of opposition or conjunction).
So it's obvious only hardly trained people, would be able to accomplish this kind of travel - whatever they are men or women.

For Orientals, it's not as complicated as that, if you are using individually your "etheric body" through meditation. Tapping into the "Substantia nigra" of the back of our brain is both easy, if you let it go, or complicated at the opposite when you want to make strenuous efforts. Using our multidimensional self, is not something as natural for Earthlings as for Andromedans. The key to unlock it is to be able to feel real empathy.
So this technique is not easily mastered, except you are doing it when sleeping in the form of "real dreams". But it's usuallly considered as a subjective experiment, connected to your imagination and not to reality, which is disputable.
And the possibilities offered by a mantra like the one of John Carter : "OC AUREM OCTE WIZZ..." are in a way alike. In addition, you need a special necklace of the Ancients of BARSOOM (Mars), to make the teleportation possible.
If it happened unexpectedly to work by itself without this technology (reason why we chose not to give the mantra in full), the problem would be then to be able to come back to Earth safely. Thus, you should better know the name of Earth in Martian language, to be able to reverse the travel : "JASSOOM" !

A proximate and overlooked potentiality, could be opened also to some top specialists of the Japanese Reiki (i.e. "Universal Energy", like the "Od" of God Thor, son of God Odin in Viking religion). But, did they realize about it ?
Surprisingly...the Jesuits, who are Catholics, are not the least ! It's not known if the special mantra of the Emperor starting with Daï..." when prepared, can be used alone or in a secret combination with another one to render possible the travel to Mars for instance, and return of course.
Reiki in its essence is very much connected to Ryobu-Shinto, and not at all to Cartesianism. That's why, it may appear esoteric, magical, or even miraculous to Western eyes. And Jesuits are very naturally interested a lot in its miraculous aspects, if they surprisingly happen.
Obviously, this applies only to traditional Reiki ["Reiki Usui" from the founder, Usui Mikao (1865 - 1926)], not to the Western one - often amputated of mantras : the latter is frequently presented as more down-to-Earth... and almost "cartesian" paradoxically (ending to be just a variant of Rolfing in Psychotherapy).

At the end, beside the "Stargate option" or the use of a Sarcophagus from "Cairo" (which means "Mars" in Old Egyptian) for what is known , the most basic choice would be to embark from a base made for that.
So then, as the last resort, you would have to have been selected for the secret program of NSA, which started from 1957. The experimental embarkment "harbor" was Diego Garcia island in the Indian Ocean, South of the Maldives. The Greys would have chosen it for its exceptional situation on Earth, according to Andromedan sources. And success arose in 1959 with the first NSA ultra-secret landing on Mars.
Diego Garcia island is British and separated officially from the archipelago of Chagos (previously connected to Mauritius when a colony) since 1965, with the creation of British Indian Ocean Territory. And UK allowed from a long time now Americans to use it at discretion.
The results would have been so encouraging, that a British-US facility was created in 1971, and became a full base between 1977 and 1986.
With such an establishment on its ground, UK can benefit from this terrestrial "Aircraft carrier", so strategic also for the Persian Gulf area, by saving costs.
And circular travels with the Red planet would be mainly using the same base, with all its modern facilities nowadays.

As we can see, Cape Kennedy is not used at the moment for any inhabited travel to Mars. However, It should happen with the inhabited Orion mission, from 2030.
In fact the ex-Cape Canaveral is a NASA rocket launching site, when Diego Garcia would just be an NSA secret launching site. The situation of Diego Garcia island in the Indian Ocean is allowing an optimization of launchings, due to the inclination angle of Earth : months can be saved on the journey thanks to the Earth curveture.

Often, we hear that NASA didn't know this or that. But it could be true, if there was from the right beginning a compartmentalization of spatial conquest.
Just a few days ago (on June 23rd, 2019), NASA connected the sudden Methane emissions on Mars discovered by its robot Curiosity to "living things", by reactivating carefully the question of life on the Red planet. And the peak Methane emission recorded unexpectedly five days before, is likely due to the rock-water interactions.

Nowadays, a lot of interesting things are discovered about Mars, and new hypothesis are arising. If life is often underground with an artificial atmosphere, it's not always the case.
For instance, it seems you don't need a special equipment to be able to breathe when you are in the Equator of Mars, at the difference of its South or North Poles - if following again Andromedan sources. Of course, you still have to be careful with your body : running or jogging can be fatal. But knowing you can live in the open air over there, by adopting a moderate pace for once, is really incredible, isn't it ?

To broaden the field of possibilities, the question of the pyramids of Cydonia on Mars (or elsewhere in fact) for teleportation, is not neutral. And the same could be true of obelisks spread among important capitals on Earth : those symbolic figurations in granite of the virile member of the green God Osiris - finally refound by his wife, Goddess Isis -, and covered with a gold-leaf Pyramidion, are said to favour rebirth, important risings, and also to counter financial upheavals.
To open their inner spatio-temporal vortex, you need to find a great priest of the antic but still living religion of Amon-Ra : their concealed engineering dating back to the pharaonic times, can be unlocked only by specialists !

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