Monday, November 2, 2020
Just science-fiction XLV : a brief interlude about the TOG !
In this new article of our mascot series "Just science-fiction", we just want to introduce the TOG (Tangency Operational Group),
or "Groupe Opérationnel de Tangence" (GOT) in French. That's why, we name this masterpiece of imagination a brief interlude.
The TOG is far more secret than the "MIB" (Men In Black"), that we called in 2016 the "MIb" ("Men In beige") for fun.
The TOG is a very highly restricted club melting chosen human beings and ETs. It is an hybrid group of contact,with a wide range
of possible interactions. As a matter of fact,ETs are reluctant to share too many informations with human beings. When they need
a more opened contact, they usually just choose who will have the honour to get to know them, among Earthlings. And they are far
to select in priority scientists, except when they are as creative as Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943). The latter created a special
"transcommunicator" with Martians and Venusians as well,which has been forgotten since and... has become our ordinary toaster !
ETs get in touch by telepathy,in your dreams, through funny signs...or sometimes directly. Their approach is rather humorous or
seductive normally, and usually very smart and harmless. If you please them,they may even become your very nice girlfriend or
your beloved boyfriend, in spite of obstacles. They show their feelings through telepathy and actions too, and they can happen
to talk our way also. They can do it as a nice reward among other romantic gifts, and they adjust your language in that case.
But, as sometimes they didn't visit Earth from a long time,they may use outdated words, and have original customs !
The TOG is of prime importance for them. And in a certain way, the informal links they establish can be deeper and last
longer than the "Corporative Treaties" of 1950 and 1954 with America and UN. People who consider themselves as number 1,are not
automatically in their eyes. ETs know the anti-inflammatory virtues of aspirin to maintain a good breathing, about them.
The human beings they are highly regarding, are the ones who have in common some specific genes with them habitually.
Thus, they don't need to be necessarily at the top in their human life.They have too their own parallel hierarchy and Nobility.
To conclude this brief interlude, for most ETs (Venusians, and Antitechtonians from Anti-Earth included this very time),what is
in your heart and in your most beautiful dreams is tremendously important. And they particularly dislike "Novalingua", backward
science and the manipulators of democracy. And from time to time(but now far more than ever),they do not hesitate to scoff at
them, by creating unexpected and weird situations, which are not at all to their advantage !
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