by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D
In matter of Exopolitics (Human Politics with the implication of the Extraterrestrials), the "Tau-9 Treaty" of 1958 with America is certainly the most secret and the most precise of all. Obviously, it has something to do with the transfer of UFO technology, to get an immense advantage on other nations of Earth. That's the topic of the new article of our mascot series, "Just science-fiction".
It shouldn't be confused with the "non existent" Greada (Grenada) Treaty of 1954, which involved the disagreeing but quite straight "Nordics" (Pleiadians, often confounded with the Venusian emancipators of Lob Noor area) and the crafty Greys (Tall and small ones). Because of a disrespectful and harmful greed, the principle of non reciprocal interference it was carrying, is now null and void. That's why, we are calling this one a "non existent" Treaty in fact.
We hope you will like our new narration on the mode of fantastic realism. But you should just take it as a masterpiece of imagination and inspiration : id est "Just science-fiction". So, just sit down comfortably, and get ready for the most puzzling movie you have ever seen ! Yet, at the time the Chinese probe Tianwen-1 is sending thrilling new images of Mars, it is important to consider that Science-Fiction can become real sometimes !
The "Tau-9 Treaty"of 1958 with America is more precisely untitled the "Tau-9 Treaty for the preservation of humanity". "Tau (or Ta)" is the name of the Supreme God of several groups of ETs : Zeta Reticulans A and B (Small Greys), and Rigelians (Tall Greys) notably. And the associated "9" has got several meanings at the same time. First, it is indicating this treaty has to be renewed every 9 years with a possible extension to some other countries : so then, it must be renewed this year (2021), even the renegociation seems to be more difficult than usually. Those people of the Orion Empire want to be sure the pandemics of COVID-19 wasn't directed in fact against them, like AIDS in the Eighties ! Second, it is associated with the antic science of numerology, where 9 is the number of Completion. Third, it has something to do with the Egyptian Ennead of God Thot-Hermes and the Ancient Mysteries of Eleusis (Greece). Four, the fact "Tau" (or "Tav") is also the perfect letter of Qabalah is not a coincidence. Anyhow, to summarize, this Treaty with America is dedicated primarily to their religious beliefs and their final expansion on Earth, once the Earthling ones will have been updated.
Zetas are forming two completely opposite groups, also called "J-Rods A" and "J-Rods B" by themselves. And their attitudes and aims concerning human beings seem to be alike : friendly or hostile. Anyhow, J-Rods A or B would never hesitate to strike back human beings if they felt assaulted or threatened : for memory, it already happened in "S4" (Area 51, Nevada, USA) in the past with the immediate death of a certain number of Marines. Rigelians in that way are making the synthesis coming from the dialectic process. And in exchange of an access to their very advanced technology and the sharing of some biological secrets about nature, America is allowing those three groups to collect livestock for food partly, and to abduct a fixed number of 10 million people a year on Earth for their experiments. They have after to "flash" them to cancel the memory of what happened, and to release them. Their identity is kept in a common data processed file. About the implication of other groups of ETs in this secret treaty in the shadow, it is a considered possibility.
Those controversial experiments on human beings are often described in a very confusing way, either painful and stressing, or sometimes the complete opposite. We are adding that, because it can happen that you remember what happened with details if you have at least six senses. It has to be underlined too that a good part of those so-called experiments are fake ones : they are in fact lead by human scientists, who can easily be more crual and rough than those ETs, especially when they think nobody knows they are not ETs at all. Real ETs about them are making research about our intelligence and our soul, of course. But their main target, is to know more about the human possibilities of common reproduction, in order to use them for their own preservation. As a matter of fact, till recently the Greys had a terrible problem of survival as alien species. That's why they have developped a highly skilled system of hybridation with human beings. And those experiments have bore their fruits with the "Sassani" (who are still bald-headed like them), and finally the "YahYel" people (who are long haired) ! Thus, in their eyes, the latters especially appear like improved human beings (Transhumanity) possessing more than six senses, with the abilities of ETs and the beauty recognized to human beings. Nowadays, Beauty seems to be astonishingly more important to the big eyes of those ETs, than to the ones of human beings ! Many of us have forgotten the right beginning of Genesis, with the attraction of "Angels" for human beauty, and its direct consequences : a "Nephilim" descendance on Earth. It wasn't a joke ! Their motto has never been "be beautiful and shut up", but on the contrary "be beautiful and enjoy fully the Magic of life" !
As an epilog, things are still unclear about the renewal of this treaty with America this year. J.Rods A and B want first to clear the situation about the precise origin of COVID-19. Yet, it seems the track of an internal Rigelian dissident group, in connection with some human scientists, against the Orion Empire lead by the Alpha Draco dynasty is now discussed. They are also aware Americans are fed up with their transfers of UFO technology with software malfunctions among others (the "F-35 Lightning II" aircraft for instance) !
But after all, it's not the first time there are problems with the renewal of this treaty : only to give a simple example, in 2003 there were complications which lasted till 2005. It was just renewed by provision in the meantime. So the same solution is possible. However, presently calm Rigelians have to be careful with the nervous reactions of Zetas (A and B). And the same might be applying to the human partners of the "Tau-9 Treaty". Yet, everyone seems to want to avoid rififi with both J-Rods Royal dynasties (A and B), which can be so unpredictable !
Anyhow, as previously announced, 2020 has been marked by the apparition of a team of Sassani and a bigger group of YahYel people among human beings : the latters can melt better with Earthlings because they look rather similar with their precious hair, their size, and their seductive attitude. Those hybrids are coming from the fifth dimension, so very near us but invisible in our eyes. They have also the peculiarity to live ordinarily 700 hundred years ahead of us. So then, they have the immense advantage of knowing in advance our global future : that's why they can really laugh at tears about the "Climate change", and the fact almost nobody is able to make a simple connection with the HAARP waves "bombarding" the ionosphere in Alaska, for instance !
For those reasons, they are called UTs (Ultra Terrestrials) rather than ETs. They are in a way the new "Nephilim" on Earth ! The funniest are certainly the long haired YahYel : it's a bit like if the Hippies from the Sixties and Seventies were coming back for a "comic cosmic shock" ! In France, Hippies were nicknamed "Beatniks" because of their look ! Playful YahYel are seeing life as a source of fun mainly, which can appear out of time and splendidly kitsch in the present situation of the world. The main difference is they can live several centuries, as "long life hippies" !