by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
This new article of "Just science-fiction" may astonish you, as it is not dedicated at all to the way we are traditionally seeing animals. At the opposite, it is including the way animals themselves are silently seeing human beings ! They are also concerned by the Quest of spirituality and intelligence : we are even on an unsaid competition about that from immemorial times !
As predicted in the Apocalypse of Saint John, when the final times will have come, animals will talk to human beings, and will retake their freedom from their deadly predators. And this doesn't concern only the mythical Dragon, the Lion (associated to Saint Mark) or the Eagle (associated to Saint John)...
Usually, exegetes are taking this as something unlikely to occur. Animals just considered as Beasts, have obviously no animal representatives in the Secret Order of the Quest. Thus, exegetes never consider that after "pestilence" over the world (through the unforeseen global pandemics of Covid-19, still present)...such an unexpected event could be in fact for now !
If Animals don't like to be killed by hunters or to die in a slaughterhouse, they dislike too being betrayed by fake defenders of Nature. The latters have often a short-sighted thinking, which is ignoring the harmful consequences of their influence. When wanting for instance to protect wild animals owned by Circus, and pushing to prohibit such a possession, you automatically create a very bad situation for the present wild animals living in those Circus. Ultimately, you may condemn those poor animals, which didn't ask you anything to death by euthanasia (or as future sold targets by their new caretakers when displaced in South Africa for instance)...just because they were Circus Animals ! They are quite demanded in reality from all other the world from rich people. Anyhow, the newly "protected" wild animals would have rather preferred to stay in their home (Circus) under the care of their tamer : they gave them milk or food, and water, from the time they were just babies !
The topic of the animal protection is too often a practical instrument of power of humans onto other humans. That's why it is usually counter-productive. The animals in this conception are just an easy pretext. Then, the prohibition of wild animals in Circus to come very soon, wouldn't protect anything. The domination of human beings above animals is just reaffirmed another way, that's all. Instead of dying peacefully in the environment they knew from baby usually, those unhappy animals will have to live in an hostile nature they have never been accustomed to in the best scenario. And in the worst case scenario, they will perish in the unknown savana by lacking the food they were previously given, or being shot by very rich men or women for their inglorious pleasure - or again from a very swift and crual euthanasia if no solution was found to their survival. The right of human being upon them will remain a "jus vitae necisque" (right of life and death) !
The best historian about the Secret Order of the Quest was certainly the American Manly P. Hall (1901 - 1990), previous Great Master of Illuminati. In his very interesting book untitled "The secret destiny of America" (reprinted in 2008, after his death then), he was notably writing what follows : "Man is greater than the animal, not in strength of body, nor in shrewdness, nor in the power of his senses, nor even in skill and patience ; man is superior because he contains within himself the faculties and powers by which he can perceive his true place in a divine order of life."
We totally agree with the first part of his quotation, but not really with the second part. As a matter of fact, if you take the example of the lion, it is known from at least the Egyptian time, that he has got his own Goddess : Sekhmet ! And in reality, this wild but majestuous animal has demonstrated being less ferocious...than human being ! In the Roman arenas, it happened repeatedly that lions or lionnesses had surprisingly refused to attack human beings sentenced to death, Christian or not. They thought that human beings are really crual and crazy to destroy and kill each other, when normally they themselves refuse to do such a thing among their own specie. They didn't want to make their soul dirty, with an unjustifiable massacre in front of their respected divinity. And we are not just talking about the lion of Androcles !
Sometimes, lions again can invite themselves in the kitchen of people in Tanzania for instance, for meal. It must be a strange experience to find a relaxed lion waiting on a chair, when you are entering your kitchen to prepare lunch for the whole family ! Obviously, this wild animal do not have a napkin ! We are giving this funny example, because in Tanzania till last beginning of april, people were more concerned about incidents with wild animals than with Covid-19 ! This disease was even mocked at, as this country didn't make any effort to impose mask and social distanciation, by contenting to cure it with a medicine against palludism or with mugwort herbal tea from Madagescar ! In this land of nearly 61 million inhabitants, the result was then marking : 500 ill people, and a mortality of 20 people in one year officially !
Coming back to animals, we can quote also the funny example of Siamese cats (felines too). For the anecdote, they have been studied by Buddhist monks in Tibet, and those ones noticed they don't just look like laughing at human beings : in truth, they are really mocking at them they consider usually stupid ! Therefore, it cannot be said that those animals are not able to think like we are doing it, or that they are not intelligent ! So, if your Siamese cat is smiling at you with insistence, try to wander what you have done strange or incoherent to its (blue) eyes ! We could give still other examples, but you understood animals are not simple automats, when a lot of human beings are lead to behave this way at the opposite in their everyday life !
As an epilog, the unsaid competition between animals and human beings for the Quest of spirituality and intelligence, is existing from the right beginning of their appearance on Earth. It's not new at all !
By the meantime, human being (man or woman) has just demonstrated he (or she) was able to be far more sneaky, destructive and ferocious than the fiercest animals. There is no spirituality and intelligence in that, just a rough and often unclever will of domination leading nowhere !
About the abilities of animals, they can happen often to be superior even : cats are able to see in the night, and they can perceive the fifth dimension just like dogs for instance, when human beings are normally totally unable to do it. And to end up our demonstration, a snake can detect an earthquake far before the most modern instrument made by our best scientists !
In reality, wild animals who can sometimes adopt fragile human babies like Romulus and Remus or Mowgli for instance (she-wolwes in their cases), can even appear far less binary than human beings. Full of an unexpected compassion, they don't especially intend to destroy what is weak ; and they are not always in the judgement, which is so often limiting Men and Women on Earth !
The idea of animals over suddenly talking to human beings can seem magical and impossible. But it can come only from them anyway : there was only one Saint Francis of Assisi (1181~1182 - 1226) ! And it is bringing us back in the Golden Age time, when the present period of this beginning of XXIst century is far more a Lead Age !
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