by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
This new article of our mascot series, "Just science-fiction" is opening up on 2022, which will be different from the previous years. Human beings are expecting change, and it may effectively come !
It will not automatically be the end of "Little Covid" in 2022 : half-jokingly, it could last until April Ist, 2025 in a mitigated manner with stealth variants, whatever its origin is natural or artificial. Anyway, we better get accustomed to live with it. Beside, a lot of various events of tremendous importance are normally going to occur, which will give a unic touch to this new year !
2022 is a year when the impossible might become possible politically ! Again, a war of importance might easily burst out if the traditional geopolitical balance was put in danger in Europe (Ukraine, Baltic countries ...or beside) or in Asia (Taiwan or Asia-Pacific area) for instance. The US "Manifest destiny" doctrine might also partly vanish with the interference of "ancient newcomers". This could apply surprisingly too in Latin America (in Chile or nearby for example), with a very different type of discrete "newcomers" !
Those original newcomers have long been planned to be fake ones, in order to create a world state, based upon fear and the over-stimulated need of an illusory security. So absolutely nobody is really expecting them to be real ! The "Blue Beam" project in that way could be very deceptive for the deceptors themselves, especially if they behave like "Liberators", rather than the opposite !
To conclude, 2022 might be a year of astounding events, as various surprising changes might occur worldwide. This year could be dominated by something else than only Covid-19 !
Anyhow, everything will happen over suddenly with an unprecedent touch. And human beings won't have much control about it, even some strange discoveries might be made (a Blue Beam particularly or even several unknown beams...) !
2022 is a year for Harlequin eating Bulgarian yogurts, while playing. His jokes can make us laugh or move us. But in any case, we will not be bored in this equally unusual year !