Thursday, February 10, 2022

Uchronic history XVI : late breaking news about Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D


This new article of "Uchronic history", another of our mascot series, is dedicated to well sealed secrets enveloping Queen Marie-Antoinette (1755 - 1793 or 1834 ?) and King Louis XVI (1754 - 1793 ?), since the French Revolution. Through a deep enquiry made from the other side of the mirror, we want to uncover what you never even wandered by being sure to know already everything about them. And in order to avoid you being bowled over at the reading of our late breaking news, sit down firmly and fasten your seat belt !


Marie-Antoinette has certainly been one of the prettiest Queen the Kingdom of France ever had. And this was the initial source of her unhappiness, as she immediately provoked jealousy from other women in the Court of Versailles, without having committed the slightest clumsiness. Her youth and candor were taken as an offense to their common ugliness and usual fatness. And this led to anger and mortal envy, according to the "Memoirs of Catherine Hyams" (1826), the English spy of Queen Marie-Antoinette ! The latter was protected by the Princess of Lamballe (1749 -1792), born De Savoie-Carignan (in Turin, Italy), and lived in France till 1792. After that, she emigrated to Italy, where she married the Count Broglio Solari, and wrote her Memoirs. It is strange to discover Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette could have organized a strategic retreat in the stronghold of Metz just after the Storming of the Bastille (from July 15-16th, 1789), or in the Castle of Rambouillet on October 5th, 1789 !

According to Catherine Hyams, what will become the "Queen's necklace" was in fact initially ordered by King Louis XV (1710 - 1774) to Boehmer and Bassange jewellers in Paris, not for his last favorite, the Countess Jeanne du Barry (1743 - 1793)...but for the Dauphine Marie-Antoinette, the very lovely granddaughter he was fond of ! However, Louis XV happened to die in between, and when the necklace was completed, it hadn't anymore any buyer for a big while. The "case of the Queen's necklace", as it was nicknamed, involving a woman saying to descend from the Valois, a first double of the Queen, the very controversial Cardinal of Rohan (1734 - 1803) who had been a twisty Ambassador of France in Austria, and the Great Cophte Cagliostro (1743 - 1795), led to the deconsideration of French Monarchy in 1785-86 ! And the fact Marie-Antoinette never did anything wrong in this frame-up, has never been taken on account by totally unfair people ! The most absurd is that Marie-Antoinette had even refused three times the proposal of her husband, Louis XVI, to buy this necklace for her as far too expensive, before the start of this tenebrous affair !

If Free Masonry was furtherly accused to have plotted against King Louis XVI (1754 - 1793 ?), notably by the Abbot Augustin de Barruel (1741 - 1830), things are more ambivalent than expected. For  memory, Jesuits were expelled from France in 1764, and not sustained much by the other branches of clergy. The "Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism" of the latter (1797-98) have then got a certain interest, taken on account he was a Jesuit Inspector of the French Free Masonry. Yet, when watching carefully you can see by yourself there was a rather marked ambiguity : in fact, the Grand Master of the Great Orient of France was...the cousin of the King, the Duke Philippe d'Orléans (1747 - 1793), nicknamed "Philip Equality" for his deep involvement with the Jacobines and the French Revolution he had personaly triggered. He didn't hesitate to vote the Death of his cousin on January 17th, 1793, by even being able to disgust and sicken Maximilien de Robespierre ( 1758 - 1794). Robespierre was fully aware he wanted to seize the Crown of his relative, considered as a living obstacle to his haunting Royal ambition : he wished personally his physical elimination...even it was particularly sneaky, ruthless, and shameful ! Don't forget the Revolution started from Palais Royal in Paris, were Philip Equality was living !

Just a few time after the Massacres of September 1792 and the Cannonade of Valmy (September 20th, 1792), Danton (1759 - 1794) made what he called a prophecy to Philippe d'Orléans : "You have many years in front of you. France doesn't like Republic: it has got its habits, its weaknesses, and its need of Monarchy. After our storms, it will be brought back by its vices or its necessities. You will be King !" But, everybody knows his important subordinate of the Great Orient of France never equalled the great Nostradamus (1503 - 1566) : this didn't happen at all, due to the determining opposition of Robespierre, the "Rosati" who had his own agenda, and "Philip Equality" as he was forever stamped was guillotined on November 6th, 1793 ! And Danton was eliminated himself from Robespierre's path on April 5th, 1794, the same quick way he had abusively used for many others ! In this regard, it must also be underlined that the social group which had proportionally the highest number of expiatory victims during the Revolution was ...Free Masonry itself ! And if the King and the Queen didn't consider at all Free Masons as enemies, it is surprising to discover Revolutionaries did in the facts !

If a part of Free Masons in France helped Philippe d'Orléans at the beginning of his run for attempting to become King, instead of Louis XVI, another part of them didn't follow. The instrumentalization of the Great Orient had finally limits. And above that, a lot of Masons were refusing to act against Louis XVI : wasn't he a Frater from the "Lodge of the three brothers", created in 1775 in Versailles Palace for the King himself and his two brothers, the Count of Provence (future Louis XVIII, 1755 - 1824) and the Count of Artois (future Charles X, 1757 - 1836) ? This clearly means there was many apparent contradictions in the secret origins of the French Revolution : this was due to the hidden fact that there was several levels in this striking intrication ! The fact nobility and even high clergy suicided themselves is one of those striking happenings. It started with apparent mess and chaos, and it ended the same way, by perhaps breaking definitively the top rank of France in the world !

The feminine Free Masonry, in reality a mixed adoptive obedience of the Great Orient of France at that time, didn't appear to be against the King and the Queen. In fact, Marie-Antoinette had become immediately friend with the nice Princess Marie-Thérèse de Lamballe, soon after her arriving in Versailles in May 1770. They were both very pretty women from foreign origin, and had to adapt to the twisty and sneaky environment of the Court of Versailles. And Soror Marie-Thérèse finally initiated her dear friend Marie-Antoinette in the Lodge she had become the Grand Mistress in 1781 : the "Lodge of Saint Jean d'Ecosse and the Social Contract" ! Don't forget Queen Marie-Antoinette liked a lot living in her Petit Trianon, by applying the natural and simple philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778) ! Unhappily for the loyal Princess of Lamballe, her destiny ended dramatically on September 3rd, 1792 in the Jail of La Force in Paris were she was detained by the Revolutionaries : she was slaughtered and odiously dismembered in Paris by the accomplices of Danton and Choderlos de Laclos (1741 - 1803), the grey eminence of that prince. The latter is nowadays remaining famous for having written "The dangerous liaisons" book. And he is hiddenly considered as the devilish inspirator of Philippe d'Orléans, who had noticeable grudges against the Princess of Lamballe : she was the best friend of the Queen...and his own reluctant sister-in-law !

To conclude you may be led to think that the ones who decided to emprison the Royal family in Temple Jail of Paris in 1792, were very good directors of theater. This was presented as a far revenge of Templars, according to the malediction of their last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay (1243 -1314) ! And the fact Free Masonry had abandoned the Templar reference in the Convent of Wilhelmsbad (Hesse ) in 1782, has remained unnoticed !

The point Jacques de Molay had damned the Capetian dynasty up to the thirteenth generation (if really true)...and not after the twentieth, has never been pointed out by anybody ! Above that, it's a very famous contemporary Rose-Cross, who had "predicted" far later that Marie-Antoinette, Louis XVI...and Philippe d'Orléans would end their life decapitated : the famous Count of Saint Germain (circa  1691 - 1784), in fact the hidden son of a Rackoczy Prince governing Transylvania !

For Rose-Cross, which considered itself as the real heiress of Templars, and protectress of the Merovingian survivors, Capetians were only usurpators of the Ist French Royal dynasty ! Curiously, it wasn't taking much into consideration that Carolingians had preceded Capetians in between, and that those successive dynasties had clearly notable inter-marriages ! They were more proceeding from each other by blood in that way ! Following this eluding logic, Feudality established in 789 by Charlemagne was finally abolished with charges during the night of August 4th, 1789. And the fact Napoléon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821), had borrowed the Merovingian symbol of Bee to be sacred Emperor on December 2nd, 1804, has been unsufficiently noticed ! Again, after the first abdication of Napoleon Ist in 1814, the Company of Jesus was officially restored !

Above that, it hasn't been proved the "prediction" of Saint Germain was a real one : as a matter of fact, when he said he couldn't do anything to save the Royal Family, he meant more it was a Death sentence decided by a secret college, than a real prophecy ! And this one might have been made totally wrong for Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, because of the two bold operations of rescue in Paris from the Baron Jean de Batz (1754 - 1822) : respectively on January 21st, 1793 (along the 52 rue Beauregard, with a Double of the King), and on August 30th, 1793 (Conciergerie Jail exchange with another Double during the "Carnation Conspiracy") !

The fact Jesuits might have been also secretely involved in those two rescues is not completely ignored. And finally, the one who could have escaped the best to all of those superimposed plans, is Queen Marie-Antoinette. If she took the identity of her double, Cornélia de Galéan, Marchioness of Janson, she died then naturally in her castle in Paris in 1834, and not guillotined on October 16th, 1793 ! So, she didn't finish in a foreign convent ! And if Louis XVI also survived, he ended as a Belgian monk according to the plans of De Batz - and may be the Jesuits too -, about him !

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