by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
The dramatic developments of the War in Ukraine, with the very high risk of a nuclear leaking [or even massive explosion (s)] of the nuclear plant of Zaporijjia (presently held by Russia), whoever is in reality bombing its closest surroundings, have inspired us this article of anticipation.
The nearest cousin of human beings among mammals isn't monkey, but the lemming in reality. The specialists of the so-called Evolution, following Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882), are wrong. And Human Beings, males or females, are involuting and not at all evolving, by looking for their own disappearing.
Cleverness and wiseness aren't the main characteristics of real humans. It's not true ! Human beings are at the summit of the alimentary chain because they are superpredators, that's all. On other planets, for instance, they are not at all at the top, and that's why they are so easily denying the existence of intelligent beings overthere ! Their fake science and knowledge are just an easy excuse.
With human beings, it is not difficult to make predictions or even prophecies, because of human nature. Say a human being whatever the gender has got three options, a wise one, a stupid one, and a stupid and dangerous one. What do you think he or she will choose in 90% cases ? The surprising answer is the most stupid and dangerous one !
Nowadays, some so-called specialists of Lemmings are claiming that those small aggressive, or even very aggressive rodents of Artic areas, are not suiciding in mass during their migration. But it is hard to believe ! The fact is this species is almost disappearing from Nature every four years, by being almost extinguished then. Lemmings seem guided from Cosmos towards an agreed meeting point, and are drowned en route in the fjords. So then, it is exact at least, that they do not fall systematically from cliffs ! Anyhow, their travel to more consciousness is then ending badly !
To conclude, after our metaphor about Lemmings, it is certainly time to explain to the general public and to pupils at school what to do in case of nuclear accident (...if not bombing). At the moment, it is yet not done !
About the winds around Zaporijjia (central Ukraine, area of Enerhodar), they can be oriented towards the East (Eastern Ukraine, Russia and Asia), as well as the West (Western Ukraine, Central and Western Europe, France included). And nobody knows if the leaking of radioactive materials hasn't in reality already started from the damaged giant nuclear plant (consisting of six reactors...or potential nuclear bombs), when following the warnings of Energoatom !
The planned visit of the fourteen representatives from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is then quite important. And international measures must be taken to secure the site for the preservation of Eurasia ! The memories of the nuclear catastrophe of the smaller Plant of Tchernobyl, near Kiev (in 1986) are still vivid !
A distribution of potassium iodide should be prepared and implemented, as it has been done prevently in Belgium at the beginning of this War of lethal stubborness...which has become a World War of Energy, Cereals and Raw Materials ! And of course, Peace instead of War (extremely dangerous for the security of Eurasia and the World), should be absolutely researched. Because, it is already obvious there may be no winner but only desperate losers throughout this major conflict !