Saturday, November 19, 2022

Just science-fiction LVI : the unveiling of Poseidon's secrets !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


The story we are going to narrate today, centered around the character of God Poseidon, is surprising and complex. It necessitates to be able to come back before what we call history, so very far in the past. Of course, as usually what we will describe has to be taken as just science-fiction, nothing else ! So enjoy your reading !


In general, Atlantis ("l'Atlantide" in French) is associated with Alpha Centaurians, who are Amphibians. But it musn't be forgotten that those ETs came to Earth between others at the same time as Sirians - another type of Amphibians - and Arcturians, under the supervision of Pleiadians. The commander-in-chief of the mission to recreate a highly developped life on Earth 21 000 years ago, was a Pleiadian prince of the Royal House of the Pleiades : this happened towards the end of the strong climatic change of the Würm period (Glaciation provoked by the Sun). "Pleiadians" were called this way by the Greeks, as they were considered as "Navigators" in Space...and Earth. And the now famous Poseidon was among the same team !

They arrived on Earth on the day of Halloween. That's why this celebration has remained so important for them through ages. And at that time, the new year was happening the day after, on november 1st, with a very clement weather. So it's not astonishing to have a rather mild weather on that day even now, when you know that Pleiadians are retaking presently their power on Earth. Nowadays, they are difficult to recognize among the normal population, except sometimes for their unusual powers or abilities...and their young age in old age ! And Poseidon had certainly exceptional powers and abilities !

What people intend to connect to the present "Climatic Change" with a sickly frenzy, is just a return to an antediluvian weather ! Earth is just being reconnected to the Pleiadian time and weather ! It doesn't mean at all it is dying...but quite reviving on the contrary ! The present weather conditions are now better and better for their skin and their breathing. As a matter of fact, "good boys" and "good girls" are working for them, without knowing it, on the climate topic - with an excess in ignorance they don't always like yet. Of course, the latters have at least an excuse : a still backward science founded on prejudices, blended with a deep misunderstanding of the basic needs of photosynthesis in term of CO2 to produce our Oxygen in spite of deforestation !

So very naturally, the brilliant civilization of Atlantis is owing its genesis to this prospect. According to what we know, it seems Poseidon (the "Soil Shaker" for Greeks) was connected himself to the royal house of the Pleiades, and at the same time to the one of Alpha Centauri. And it's not surprising to discover then that he was the one chosen to create this legendary thalassocracy, with its antic prolongations marked by pyramids in Africa, in Americas, and in Eurasia (Crimea, China, Japan...). And the ten offsprings (five pairs of twins) he had with the famous mortal Clitô, became the ten first co-kings of Atlantis !

Thus, the God of Seas, Oceans, Earthquakes and Sources was not only a Pleiadian ruler, but also an Alpha Centaurian one because of his double kinship and blue blood. At this point, we have to recall that a Pleiadian or an Alpha Centaurian is possessing more than five senses : usually, both of them have at least eight senses (our five senses plus telepathy, psychokinesis, and foresight), or even more concerning princes and princesses. Only human beings believe that there are only five senses, due to their usual self-centered limitations. However, it's true the most advanced of them recognize the existence of a "sixth sense", encompassing in fact several other guessed senses !

In connection with the Pleiades, it has to be added they are localized in the Constellation of Taurus. This localization is the key to understand the development of so many civilizations on Earth. And a lot of people know how the cult of Taurus (or Buffalo for American natives) has been important in antic civilizations, including in Egypt with the Bull God Apis. And the bullfighting of Atlantis (in the antediluvian time) or Creta (thereafter) is bearing witness of this cultural inheritage...still very present in Spain and the South of France with Corrida ! The hidden permanence of Pleiadian culture is really something extraordinary in present time. It is also quite strong, even in France where the combat against Corrida has been lost only a few days ago !

In the religious field, the Mithraïc cult (centered around the Bull) that has blended with the early Christianity, is also a lasting observable fact. Our main Christian celebration of Christmas on December 25th (very important in Mithraism too) based upon the Roman Saturnalia as well, is an astonishing common point with the Pleiadian civilization - and the complete one of Orion equally ! In fact, Christianity has been the result of a kind of synthesis between several religious currents at the Roman time, just like the character of Jesus Christ. And the latter would certainly have difficulties to recognize himself, after the excessive conquests of Paulinism, where so many people are allowed to marry except him - in total contradiction with Saint John Gospel, III-27 sq ! Poor Maria-Magdalena !

So, even we don't worship anymore God Poseidon, he is still staying quite powerful in the Atlantic Ocean or in all the Oceans and Seas of the globe, as well as in Rivers and Sources. And in a way, Poseidon is also reigning occasionally on inhabited lands too as the "Soil Shaker". Anyhow, he is remaining the original creator of the empire of Atlantis. Through him, the "Navigators of Space" have become the "Navigators of Earth". And if some places out of the Atlantic Ocean have been confused with Atlantis itself, in total contradiction with "the Timaeus" and "Critias" of Plato (c. 428 - c. 347 BC), it's because they were remarkable colonies or extensions on Earth ! 

As an epilogue, the history of Atlantis is both connected to Pleiadians and Alpha Centaurians. For instance, nowadays a city called the "Complex T3" is established below the water along the airport of Sao Miguel island (the main island of Azores). And it is said to be secretely co-managed by the American Navy and Alpha Centaurians, with the presence of a Pleiadian supervisor. 

When we visited Sao Miguel on Christmas 2016, we could see the lights of this submarine city from the plane, at the departure from the airport of Ponta Delgada. As we didn't visit the Complex, we cannot confirm these assumptions. But, at the same time neither can we deny them. Azores (Portugal) since the works of the German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602 - 1680) are still considered to be a part of the remains of the lost continent of Atlantis, by some specialists. So Atlantis musn't be confused with the island of Thera, an ancient Atlantean colony near Creta, in the Mediterranean Sea as for it !

And mind yourself when you travel in the Triangle of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean, or in the Devil's Sea ("Ma-no-Umi") near Japan, also called the Devil's Triangle or the Formosa Triangle ! Over there, Alpha Centaurians are at work as the remaining heirs of the Atlantean Empire, not totally vanished then. The very recent US-Australian movie "Aquaman" (2018) is subtly centered about this speculation, without mentioning Alpha-Centaurians : it is stressing a silent war between hidden submarine "Atlanteans" and polluters "Surfacians" of Earth ! Of course, if you respect them and come friendly, you have nothing to worry for your plane or your boat, as they are usually benevolent !

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