Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Just science-fiction LVII : "Planet 9", Aldebaran and Alcyone (from the Pleiades) !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


This new article of Just science-fiction may be intriguing for you, as it is melting "Planet 9",  Aldebaran and Alcyone (from the Pleiades) with present events on Earth. Of course, you just have to take it as coming from our rather fertile imagination, as usually, id est Just science-fiction !


"Planet 9" is one of the most extraordinary anomalies of our Solar System. Until now it wasn't supposed to exist, as Earthling astronomers were supposed to have identified all the planets of Solar System. Normally, our very high tech instruments of observation should have been able to overcome the Sumerian astronomy of the Annunaki, involving the undiscovered planet Nibiru (with its ellipse of 3,600 years). Yet, there is presently an unprecedent competition lead by NASA among Earthling astronomers, whatever they are professionnals or simply amators to discover last !

"Planet 9" which is less and less an hypothesis, is an aggressive planet : it is even the most aggressive planet of our Solar System. A lot of specialists are considering it could be a kind of "Super Earth"- which shows in the hollow the inefficiency of the best optical instruments of Earth. Its presence in our Solar System is guessed through the strange clustering orbits of Trans-Neptunian objects. It has to be known. And it's not wishable nor advisable to find it. Most likely human beings wouldn't really find it. It could be the opposite : who knows if "Planet 9" wouldn't find (or refind) Earth, may be as soon as this year (2023) ?

Strange signals have been sent to "Planet 9" in 2022 from the Seven pyramids of Crimea, which is a very disputed land between Russia and Ukraine (which symbol is the trident of Poseidon - or Neptune for the Romans). Those pyramids are recalling the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades from the Constellation of Taurus (even they are actually more numerous). Our article untitled "Just science-fiction LVI : the unveiling of Poseidon's secrets !", published last November on Global Politics and Economics, just pointed out among other things this overlooked peculiarity of Crimea ! As an aside, "Poseidon" is also the name of a strange Russian drone-torpedo, which could be able to provoke a nuclear tsunami on any targeted country !

Coming back to the pyramids of Crimea, their control could be far more important than people imagine, not only for Sirians (from Sirius), but also of course for Alcyone or Aldebaran more particularly ! Both ot the latters are among the Seven Sisters, even they represent nowadays two opposite camps : the one of the Pleiadian Federation, and the one of the "Black Fleet" from Antarctica (Territory of Queen Maud). As we explained in the past, Aldebaran left the Pleiadian Federation after the nuclear bombing of Mars ordered by the Pleiadian Sovereign 120,000 years ago, in protest !

Since 2004, Aldebaran and the Pleiadian Federation are again at war, an unterminable war between ex-brothers, just like Ukraine and Russia on a more Earthling plane. Aldebaran is animating the "Black Fleet" in Antarctica with a Martian core of descendants of survivors, and human beings with a guttural accent. It is the one which was successful in forbiding America to continue Apollo missions on the Moon, in the Seventies. But Alcyone, which has also got its entries in the USA, has been able to provoke a rebalancing of powers in favor of Spatial conquest in direction of the Moon and even Mars, those last years ! 

As a hint of imagination, the date of March 22nd, 2023 seems to be important for the secret War between the "Black Fleet" and the Pleiadian Federation lead by Alcyone, as well as for the open War between Russia and Ukraine with the potentially disruptive use of "scalar weapons". Again a potential surging of "Planet 9" is not to be excluded either on this year. "Planet 9" would have ten times the mass of Earth, and four times its diameter. It would be an icy planet, able to change Earth climates from hot to cold. In fact, nobody knows if the glaciation of Würm period with its three phases (c. 115,000 - c. 11,700 AP) was a collateral consequence of Mars nuclear bombing by Pleiadians, or due to the passage of the "Planet 9" ? But a colder weather would surely please the "Eco-Fearful". The latters who are frightened by a slightly hotter weather, will certainly be content with warm clothing instead ! Brrr! Brrrr !

In a way "Planet 9" is astonishingly echoing the belief in the 9 worlds of Ancient Vikings. And 2023 could be the year Thor, God of Thunder and Protection, will recover his full powers. As a matter of fact, "Planet 9" seems to be similar to the famous Jotunheim, the icy world of darkness populated by the Ice Giants he was fighting from Asgard (Kingdom of Gods) or even from Midgard (Earth) !

"Eco-Fearful" people who can become too easily "Eco-Demolishers" without any guilt - while being often covered by a shameless virtual impunity -, could see their dream come true. Earth could be no longer hotter, but on the opposite over suddenly colder. It wouldn't be at all connected to their actions "zero carbon", but to the "Planet 9" action, called "zero oxygen". But themselves, if they hardly survive could take profit of the freezing which could ensue, by becoming "Eco-Eskimos" !

Another question is remaining : where the present rupture of the fragile balance of powers between the "Black Fleet" and Alcyone will lead on Earth ? If about Space, we know already that many countries or even private agencies desire to have their share in the envisaged exploitation of the Moon or Mars, this potentially illusory share is more questioned about Eastern Europe without...or with a new iron curtain ! 

As a matter of fact, "Planet 9" is echoing the fateful "Wormwood Star" ("l'Etoile Absinthe" in French, and "Tchernobyl" in Ukrainian) of the Apocalypse of Saint John (VIII-11). It would be strangely connected with a sudden raspberry smell in the atmosphere. At a time when statues of Saint Michael (Protector of France) and Maria the Virgin (Protectress of France) can be publicly banned in France for idle reasons recalling the Terror of 1793, Help may no longer come from Heaven !

There were serious warnings of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 (Portugal) about a Third World War involving Russia, as well as repeatedly renewed tears of Our Lady of Akita on a long period from 1975 to 1981 (not very far from Fukushima, in Japan) concerning the Doomsday. But they haven't really been heard. And many people were just seeing that as a kind of Catholic folklore, without any clear impact on the Earth and its ashes. So then, seeing at last the actual face of Iahve could be a terrific shock !