Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Just science-fiction LIX : the strange meaning of the word "Pharaoh", in front of "the mirror of the Pleiads and Aldebaran" !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


This new article of one of our mascot series, "Just science-fiction", is in a way dedicated to Im-Ho-Râ, one of the greatest magicians of Old Egypt (Middle Kingdom). We found very interesting elements about him, and even made a dream about him. Im-Ho-Râ as his name is indicating was a magician of God Râ, the Supreme God of the Egyptian pantheon since Pharaoh Kheops (c. 2620 BC - c. 2580 BC). At the difference of many, he wasn't specifically modest. He even wrote his own eulogy (Scripture on a stela from the Temple of Karnak), which is now preserved at the Louvre Museum in Paris (France) ! 

He was certainly content of himself and the knowledge which he had been transmitted by the priests...and from the Stars (like the Pleiads in the constellation of Taurus with Aldebaran). In a way, his attitude is resembling that of Zarathustra, the famous Persian prophet of another religion of the Antiquity, Mazdeism - with its winged alien God Ahura-Mazda. His way to express was in fact more the sign of a great enthusiasm (with the original meaning of being possessed by a God), than really immodesty ! In the Temple of Karnak, he liked to talk with the "Marching Statue" of the alien God Râ about the deep meaning of "Pharaoh", which was connected to the Cosmos for him !

A "Pharaoh" was far more than an ordinary King : actually, it didn't even mean "King" etymologically, which is the biggest surprise of its attempt of translation. This notion was only suggested from an inductive angle by its sense of "Great House". And that's what we are going to show with "the mirror of the Pleiads and Aldebaran", with always current implications. Of course, as usually you just have to take our narration as a masterpiece of imagination and induction, id est "Just science-fiction". So sit down comfortably and just enjoy your reading ! 



A Pharaoh was certainly a King, an holy King. And a lot of people think that this word is the Egyptian translation of "King". But it is not at all the case in reality. "Pharaoh" is coming from the Egyptian "Per' Aa", and it means precisely "Great House" ("Grande Maison" in French), which is far different from "King". How to explain this anomaly ? "Pharaoh" is a word indicating the origin and the end of all things for human beings. It is connected to the vast universe, and more accurately to the Cosmos. It is recalling that the first Pharaohs were not from Earth. Actually they seemed to come from the famous Pleiads (or "Atlantides"), a group of stars so important in the far Antiquity.

And this title of "Pharaoh" was the one of the King of the Pleiadian Federation, at the time Aldebaran was still a member. It meant "Great House", as this Federation was composed of several different people making a whole : Aldebaran, Alcyone and others in the Constellation of Taurus. In the Greek mythology, they were the seven sisters, daughters of Atlas the Titan, and Pleione, the Oceanid : Maïa, Alcyone, Asterope, Celeno, Electre, Taygete, and Merope. At this point, we have to be precise, because nowadays the Pleiadian Federation is centered around Alcyone, Aldebaran having left a very long time ago after the nuclear bombing of Mars : it strongly disagreed with the "Pharaoh" of Pleiadians, for humanitarian reasons. The luminosity of Alcyone is equivalent to 800 Suns ! 

So then, the War of Mars has introduced a great Chaos in the Universe with its refugees brought by Aldebarans on the hidden face of the Moon...and on Earth (Antarctica, at a time the climate was temperate over there). That's why nowadays some writers of science-fiction can talk of the "Black Fleet" from Antarctica. It repelled with success the US fleet of Admiral Byrd (1888 - 1957) in 1946-47, with its very fast flying saucers. The US "Highjump Operation" totally failed due to the superiority and the precision of those Space vessels : the "Fallen Angels", as they were nicknamed in the Bible, won ! As an astronomic aside, Aldebaran (the ex-"Follower" of the Pleiades, or Alpha Tauri) is situated near the belt of Orion, and its diameter is gigantic (65 times the one of our Sun) as well as its luminosity (150 times the one of the Sun). Its distance from Earth is only 65 light years, which is nothing with the common use of worm holes !

Hence, coming back to the Pharaoh, he should be the obvious and necessary link between the world of men (and women) and the world of Gods, but also and above all between Earth and the Cosmos. "Pleiadians" (the "Navigators" - of Space - in Greek) have got some regrets about this dreamed past, before the Great Division occurred. His duty is to prevent the world from sinking into chaos, violence and desolation. Funnily, nowadays in our so chaotic and incoherent world, we just take this assessment from old Egyptians as a  simple metaphor. But it wasn't purely symbolic, and it has never been : for Egyptians, it was a reality. What happened to Mars (recorded by "Al Qahira", "The Camp of Mars" in Egyptian - Cairo nowadays) was still in the memories subconsciously !

To summarize, the Pleiadian Sovereign, archetype of the Egyptian Pharaoh, was the one who was uniting nostalgically in his person the whole Pleiads and Aldebaran ("le Suiveur" in French) : he was representing in himself the Pleiadian "Great House". So then, the Egyptian title of Pharaoh for the King of Egypt (or more rarely the Queen...with an artificial beard then), was recalling this prestigious origin. He was thus maintaining the link with the "Royal House of the Pleiads". And he was the source of the balance in the whole universe ! As an aside, let's underline that when he changed the Supreme God of Egypt for Râ, instead of Ptah, Pharaoh Keops revolutionalized the Egyptian religion. From Kheops till...nowadays in fact, the Supreme God is still the "alien" God of the Sun, Râ (also called Rê) !

In conclusion, nowadays the Pleiadians are still recalling from time to time their presence on Earth, to human beings who are awakened. In 2016, They supported the election of Donald Trump (born in 1946 in New-York) to the American presidential elections. Our article published one month before on "Global Politics and Economics" on October 3rd, 2016 ("Just science-fiction XIV : Trump, the Pleiades' option and the message RIVATIVJ !), wanted to illustrate their discrete but powerful presence, when everybody thought Trump would fail in front of Hillary Clinton (born in 1947 in Chicago), the super-favorite of all polls !

The Pleiadians are intervening in human history, if they think a very grave disaster may occur on Earth. And this is particularly true since the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th, 1945, by America. Like other ETs (Zetas, Andromedans,Vegans, Arcturians, Aldebarans, Martian survivors or others), they feel very concerned by the use or in fact the misuse of nuclear power by Earthlings. For instance, in August and September 2022, they might have discreetly intervened to neutralize with their advanced technology, the nuclear fuel leaks from the Nuclear Plant of Zaporijjia in Ukraine. So then, the partial destruction of the nearby dam of Kakhovka on the Dniepr, on this month, is a renewed concern for them !

Pleiadians know we are heading inexorably to the Third World War (the "Fourth" for Russia). Even the AI of Google has predicted next November 23rd to be a fateful date. Whether prophetic or not, they might have to intervene to prevent the consequences of a launching of nuclear nukes, missiles or hypersonic torpedoes on Western countries...or from some members of the NATO. Anyway, the seven pyramids of Crimea recalling the Seven Sisters between Sebastopol and the Cape Sarych are Pleiadian (or Aldebaran for their ex-brothers), whatever the status and the nationality of this disputed territory. On the ground, Pleiadians and Aldebarans are very difficult to distinguish physically, if you except their exceptional or "divine" aptitudes : they are tall blond men with blue or green eyes, just like a lot of Slavs ! 

Pleiadians know human beings are like children playing unconsciously with fire, as they did themselves a very long time ago. They do not believe at all in their wiseness and their ability to negociate compromises...and certainly not peace : it has to come from outside. They are also aware that their medicine to repair nuclear damages to human or animal bodies, is still in its infancy. Of course, they have realized that human beings know how to use potassium iodide tablets, or more rarely clay and certain minerals to repell or expell radioactivity from the body. But this knowledge is not sufficiently widespread ! Anyhow, it is extremely difficult to guess what the Pleiadian plan is for future Ukraine and Crimea. And the same can be said for their ex-brothers Aldebarans, also involved !

Hence, they don't overstimate the knowledge of human beings about this subject. And they are doubting greatly the level of preparation of some developped countries (France...), in matter of prevention and general information of the public. Just a certain "elite" can be protected in the shelter of the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, or in a few other places, but that's all. Nuclear Asymetrical Deterrence is not all : on Mars for instance, the first strikes have been determining ! If this dogma of Deterrence doesn't work anymore, more people might die of this lack of communication (and existing or not existing anti-atomic shelters...) than just from the direct effects of nuclear weapons themselves. Often, what pisses off Pleiadians and Aldebarans are the blabbering and selfish politicians, who are bluffing with the future of their people and civilization. About that, presently both of them totally agree, at last. And the unexpected and historical effect of the war of Ukraine, could be to reunite and reconciliate - temporarily or not - all the "Angels" of the Bible, for a common cause (the "Great House") !

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