Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Just science-fiction LXII : the disturbing and parodic spectrum of a terrestrial invasion !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


The present period is marked by a persistant worry of Earthlings towards a possible invasion of Earth by ETs. And this apprehension is based upon a diffuse impression something unexpected will happen in a proximate future. In fact this worry is probably exxagerated, as there is a long time it has been done ! 

And at that time, human beings didn't exist really under the present shape. They were more like pre-Neandertalians. In reality, humans have been created by ETs. And they have quickly become extremely difficult to handle and control. This is explaining why our title is not only about an ET invasion of Earth, but could also concern half-jokingly an irreversible expansion of humans on Earth, outnumbering from far the one of ETs who preceded us. The latters are supposed having left Earth between 1500 and 1350 BC, and returning now (or more probably having already returned by now) !

Then the unexpected fact is the ETs' worry about Earthlings, and their huge and uncontrollable growth on Earth. Indeed, most ETs already present on Earth hardly believe in a massive extraterrestrial invasion to come of our planet. Like us and just beside us they are watching at the sky, but they don't see anything coming. So the situation is quite funny and rather comic. And our worry really puzzles them : it is so insistent, that it has become a paradoxical parody. Of course, you can guess our narration has to be taken as a masterpiece of imagination, id est "Just science-fiction" and nothing else, as usually !


By following us, ETs start to imagine a potential new civilization they would have bypassed or ignored. And they really wonder which one it could be ? Of course, if they were just "Mantis" (like in the Ridley Scott movie "Alien" of 1979), they would know how to handle them. However, with their more advanced system of observation of the sky and the cosmos, they try to detect any other possible intrusion. But they don't find anything. So they end up by questioning themselves about those supposedly frightening aliens Earthlings are so afraid of the arrival soon ? Everyone scratches their head without understanding !

The funniest ETs scrutining the sky are certainly Small Greys, as they can become suddenly so agitated. They often push each other when they become nervous. As they thought all the media fuss made around the world war against Carbon was concerning them directly because of their hidden but vital need for CO2, they feel strange to have to worry about another type of ETs totally unknown to them. At the same time, their consumption of jelly and strawberry ice creams is reaching a peak, as it is the only way to soothe their nerves !

Rigelians (tall Greys), their controllers about them are more concerned about their unpredictable behaviour and their mischievous character, than by an unknown alien threat. And it's the same for their subdivision known from the public under the nickname of "Men in Black". At the contact of Small Greys (Zetas, also called J.Rods A and B, depending on their liking or disliking of human beings), they may often become depressive, and transformed in "Men in beige" - as we already wrote it in the past !

About the dominant Pleiadians (the "Angels" of the Bible) and Aldebarans (the ex-"fallen Angels"), they take this so-callled threat of invasion as a joke. And they don't care much, because they know already the role they have to play on the day of Parousia. As a recall, unlike the previous ones, they didn't sign for various reasons the "Treaty of Preservation of Humanity" (the "Tau-IX" Treaty of 1958) with America. And it's the same for the allies of Pleiadians, the Procyonians...or for the wokist Venusians (even if since recently there is a small doubt about them). The core of remaining Martians in Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego in South America, is on the same position as its Aldebarans associates : they are not afraid of any ET invasion on Earth to come ! 

Neither do the Alpha Centaurians and the Sirians. Those Amphibians are just occupied with improving their control of the Seas and Oceans, the Straights (Formosa, Malacca, Ormuz...), and the riches of Africa's subsoil (oil, gas, rare earths, diamonds, uranium often found with gold, copper...). Meanwhile, Tau-Cetians, equally amphibians, have taken their distance with Earth since the incident of 1962 with the USA and its underestimated consequences on november 1963. A particularly moving film was made by Guillermo del Toro (born in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1964) in 2017, centered on the capture from Latin America, and the final escape of a mistreated amphibian creature in a governmental laboratory of Baltimore ("The shape of water"). In the background, there was the exceptional love story between this "god" and a mute cleaning woman, Elisa Esposito...and the extraordinary end of the story ! 

Concerning the sparkling and mysterious YahYels of the Ishuwa extra-solar planet (descendants of the Lyrans, and considered as Pleiadian hybrids), they prefer continuing to play between the fifth, the fourth and the third dimension, than preocupating with this. They adore pronouncing the word or the name (?) "Agatha", without us knowing the magnificent meaning they attribute to it. They are mostly in search of true and romantic love in their world and on Earth, by adopting a style of Geisha for women : usually, they find it and stick to it ! 

To conclude, the worry about a Terrestrial invasion to come is widely misunderstood by most ETs. In fact, they have never planned to destroy or damage badly Earth, which they like too much since the dawn of time. It's even the opposite. The last nuclear accident of the nuclear plant of Zaporijjia in Ukraine has anew been stopped dead in its tracks by a joint Pleiadian-Aldebaran intervention, a few days ago : they have miraculously restablished electricity on the night of December 1 to 2, 2023. Often, they think we don't know how to appreciate either our planet, or our own qualities which they admire so much when it's concerning art or writing. They like our capacity of imagination, which we don't use enough in our everyday life to establish more harmony on Earth, with a less aggressive world !

They are also attracted by our beauty (women as well as men as they are from both genders), and they don't understand at all why so many people nowadays are lowering Beauty in a coward and sneaky manner. For them, it's not a sign of great intelligence. They think we do not respect enough the most beautiful creations of the Supreme Intelligence. They dislike ugliness and organized chaos, and don't share the views of our great deconstructors in any field : the latters appear idiotic and completely suicidal to them. Their common motto is "Ordo ab intelligentia rerum" ("Order from situational intelligence") !

About the Andromedans, who look like us after their reshaping, and can be easily found just about everywhere in the world of music, singing, cinema or theater, they are not worried either of an ET invasion. And they are really enjoying their life on Earth, which is a source of great fun. So finally, the most worried could be in reality the Alpha Dracos in the business and political fields, which brain is only reptilian, and the Intra-terrestrial Reptilians - from Earth about them ! They know that the powerful Pleiadians and Aldebarans (the Angels of  the Apocalypse to come) dislike particularly dishonesty towards them !

At last, a mysterious opening might come from the Vegans (from Vega of the Lyra), who know how to fight, but are paradoxically more peaceful than Earthlings ordinarily : this is true if nobody is stupidly attacking them, of course. It's not certain they are vegetarian unlike the Earthly "Vegans" (Veggies), nor like Cathars in their beliefs, but the encounter to come could be astonishing and illuminating. And at least, they would look like us !

It has to be added about the name of "Vega", that it is also the way the YahYels are calling Earth : "Terra Vega" more precisely, with a certain touch of admiration. Those beautiful beings looking like cute Earthlings from both genders are usually blond, reddish-blond or light brown with Emerald or Sapphire eyes (so green or blue). More rarely, they can also have brown eyes. And their skin can be slightly bluish or coppery. They are charming and like obviously to seduce, which they can do without any difficulty habitually. And they like to establish lasting and dreamy bonds with the human beings pleasing to them...if they deserve it of course. Our species are totally compatible to produce beautiful babies and adults then, with the best qualities of their parents !

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