by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
In this new article of "Just science-fiction", we are going to talk again about our interplanetary music stars XBZ38 (Erk) and ZBEL27 (Lika) !
We introduced them almost four years ago, on Global Politics and Economics, on June 1st, 2020 under the title : "Just science-fiction XLIII : the biopic of XBZ38 and ZBEL27, singers of "Zag", on tour on Earth" !
Of course, our narration of the day involving planet Mercury has to be taken as "Just science-fiction", printed with fantastic realism. Then, relax and have a fun !
In this very heavy period for Earth, under the spectrum of another World War, a nuclear War this time, we think it's time to look for fun. We really want to lighten the atmosphere. Just as a recall, XBZ38 and ZBEL27 have taken the look of human beings, but they are from Andromeda. As a matter of fact, Andromeda is very important for art in all its expressions, so obviously for music !
Normally, as no human being is present on Mercury there should be no risk of nuclear war over there. With - 180°C or even - 200° C at night and + 430°C during the day, there is no risk either to make bad encounters ! One Mercurian day is representing 59 days on Earth. Mercury is reputed for not having any atmosphere on Earth... which doesn't mean it is the same elsewhere. In the Galaxy of Andromeda from where XBZ38 and ZBEL27 are originally coming, things are seen differently. But their civilization is far older than the one of Earth !
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. And our two ET singers are seeing it as the planet of anomalies. Its orbit is illogical, and its gravitational variations are completely inexplicable for Earthling astronomers. According to our two interplanetary music stars, that's even why they usually prefer not to talk about this mistifying and weird planet. And over there, our two heroes appreciate dancing together "Zag", an original dance mixing charleston, swing, and disco, with funny rounds and loving pecks. On Mercury, they spin around like the God of their new temporary planet, Hermes !
The fact strange vessels have been seen over its surface in the past is a mystery that Earthlings usually don't want to address. And why this small planet is behaving sometimes as a "megastructure" or a huge vessel in movement ? Is life possible underground like on Mars or the Moon ? The best for the Earthling astrophysicists is to consider it as a dead planet, without spreading further. About XBZ38 and ZBEL 27, they are lodging not far from the mysterious "Square" of Mercury. After some hesitation they preferred this place to another smaller location near the weird "Rectangle" of Mercury (discovered in 2012). And they are going to use it for the promotion of their record. Sh, sh... !
About the impossibility of life on Mercury, there are strange contradictions. Is it considered by ETs as "a solar system gas station" to refuel energy for spaceships on the move ? For instance, if Procyonians wanted to meddle in the war in Europe, they would use this relay. The crazier one is the more one laughs. But XBZ38 and ZBEL 27 don't care much about it, as they are now far from Earthling agitation !
We say Procyonians, because them don't respect any rule of non-interference on Earth, if the interest of the Galaxy is at stake. They think on the opposite, that Earthlings musn't interfere with the safety of the Cosmos. That's why they might have desintegrated the Challenger Shuttle on January 28th, 1986 on take off from Cape Canaveral in Florida (USA), as it was going to be used to transport and reject nuclear waste in the space. They warned before striking of course. But they were not listened, so they stroke in a flash - according to an alternative explanation !
Procyonians are not poker players, they are poker games exploders ! And patience is not at all their strong. One year and several months after this dramatic explosion, on September 21st, 1987, the US President Ronald Reagan (1911 - 2004) made a weird declaration in the United Nations in New York. In this stunning and strange address, he was warning Earth of a worrying Alien threat which should push the nations of the world to unite, by resolving their differences - which was implying to put an end to the Cold War. And in a way, this happened after the fall of the Wall of Berlin, on November 9th, 1989, only two years after !
On Earth, Procyonians are allies with Pleiadians, who look physically like them. The latters often represent them on Earth. But it has to be noticed that even an angry Pleiadian can be more diplomat than a calm Procyonian habitually. Yet, our chance is Procyonians dislike being on Earth, which they usually consider as backward, not peaceful, and primitive. Our only problem is Procyon has become the leader of the Galactic Federation of the Milky Way since a decade roughly : they are presently annoyed by the human gesticulations which are dangerously involving nuclear weapons or nuclear leakings. So our heroes think they might intervene to stop Earthlings playing with harmful toys, which could also affect normal life in the Cosmos - following the law of Resonance !
On their side XBZ38 and ZBEL27 are enjoying being on Mercury, which is offering more entertainment than expected. And most of all, they have gained a new audience since the release of their new song of "Zag" ("I declare you my love, by flying like God Hermes !"), on sale everywhere on Mercury. At the same time our heroes are enjoying living joyously their romantic life together. Love and romance are more important for Andromedans, than suicidal wars with only losers at the end. Sometimes they wonder why we don't imitate our potential far ancestors, the Neandertalians, by giving buttercups instead of using bludgeons ?
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