Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014 : will it be the year of an Earthian sparkling science ?

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

We  just read an interesting article on Time magazine about Fear index for 2014, untitled "Asteroids, no, sharks, yes ?"
According to it, the fact an asteroid may strike Earth frontally this year is unlikely, and is given a mark of only a "mild anxiety", when shark's attacks on the globe are attributed a mark of "complete panic".
Yet the article doesn't give the reason why last year was so exceptional for shark's attacks, for instance about what they can sense with their natural infra-red captors. It doesn't quote they could feel a strange threat affecting Earth from the Sky or the Moon, which is so influential on the oceans' tide - not noticing then they could be the ones on panic first, before human beings of Earth !

Since last year, it is true that an effort has been made on the observation of asteroids threatening Earth. Before, it was concentrated on huge ones, which are rather rare and thus easy to detect and follow.
The problem about smaller celestial bodies is they are undetectable and rather unpredictable, on the contrary.
Last year, a celestial bolid exploded above Chelyabinsk in Ural (Russia), on February 15th : it parted over suddenly in three with a terrific noise, damaged badly 3000 buildings and injured around 1500 people completely panicked. Because of the gigantic area it covers, Russia can statistically be a main destination for celestial bodies falling from the sky, after oceans and seas. The shock wave of the explosion was the biggest one ever registered on Earth in modern times (with an equivalence of around 460 kilotons of TNT, against 15 for Hiroshima).

Yet, this catastrophe happened exactly at the same time another celestial body was narrowly avoiding Earth, the asteroid 2012 - DA 14, before becoming the second Moon of our planet since. Oddly, when 2012 - DA 14 was discovered in 2012 by the Spanish observatory of Granada, eight days already passed since it could have hit dramatically Earth !
So, it appears important to be able to detect such celestial bolids before they possibly strike our Blue Planet, and not to realize it eight - or now seven - days after.
About them, the probability they may fall in the Oceans or Seas of Earth is quite higher than hitting directly solid ground, as Water covers around 71 % of our planet.
There, we come back easily to the Squales' panic about this type of threat, which might kill them massively if it was unexpectedly occurring.
To us, specialists of sea biology should cooperate with astrophysists to be able to improve the Earthian forecasting of future massive catastrophes. About that, they should take on account the global human unability to use any potential sixth sense, which is not the case of sharks - or other species - for instance : the Earthian limitation is obviously a data to start from scratch.

Human beings are usually talented for "bla-bla-bla", and a good part of them behave often as "sharks" towards others, except when they are frightened.
Even when they preach about God, they habitually do it for other people to follow and submit. But themselves, they don't believe or apply much their own great principles... to simply create joy in life. They have an inclination for rituals and are then just superstitious : God could be saddened !

Human understanding and then science really need to be more sparkling this year.
And for the first time in many millenii, it can be at last.
What is necessary is just to change our glasses and try to see beyond the artificial filter of the Moon.
Let's be like "Moonrakers" if we can, and we could say Sunnyside is sunny once again !

The advantage of 2012- DA 14 is that next time it comes back, on mid-February 2014, it can be observed with binoculars in the concerned area.
Nobody knows why it doesn't go away into the far space, instead of staying as a tiny second artificial Moon of Earth, by trying to disturb it deeply with its intermediary position in between our two planets.

It is above our head constantly now, needing just around 33 minutes to reach Earth at the high speed of 7.8 km/s, if it wasn't a simple asteroid and could be rather called ZEDEREZA !
Strangely, even "L.U.C.I.F.E.R.", the ultra-modern radiotelescope of Vatican in Arizona (Mount Graham, USA), which is operational since 2011 was not able to detect it, when it narrowly avoided Earth for the first time in 2012 !

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