Monday, June 30, 2014

"Widower Oxygen" : how to sound out the pulse of Universe ?

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D

Today, we are going to talk about an enigma, the enigma of Nature.
Nature is alive like Earth, and it is talking to us. Even people refuse to listen, or are unable to, new astonishing events are certainly going to occur.
We will try to be as clear as possible, even the subject is hard, and doesn't obey the limited Euclidian rules our engineers and scientists are taught to isolate them from the vast Universe.
This point is especially observable in Cartesian countries, other ones being more adaptable.
"Widower Oxygen" is the key to understand Earth and the wider Universe. So what does it mean ?

Usually, on our planet, one atom of Oxygen tries to connect naturally with two atoms of Hydrogen, and this makes water (H2O). That's why the most wide-spread element on Earth is water : 70% is liquid through Oceans and Seas, as if it was our planet's "blood". Equalilly, human body itself is made of 75% water. And it's alike for other mammals, and much more besides.
"Widower Oxygen" is the name of an atom which lost its associated molecule. Left alone, when in the atmosphere, it doesn't follow the previous cycle, and creates for instance another expanding element : Ozone ! This happens under the influence of Sun radiations which are ionising Earth atmosphere, and leads to the creation of the O3 formula, ozone then and its famous layer.
In other words, this stressed atom is following a different logic by connecting with its own, i.e. two other atoms of Oxygen. Through the enormous development of "convection rains", it can be ionised and stay in the high atmosphere, instead of falling on the ground as water. Or even it is falling on the ground, it doesn't really penetrate it automatically, because of a funny differential of temperature.
Just to give a figure, 333,000 km3 of water vapor are rising from the Oceans every year !

If you take on account the "Counter-Theory" of Involution about human beings, not popularized yet, it is easy to understand that modern man and woman, are losing the abilities of the previous generation (s). The brain of a modern human being is reduced by 15% or 20%, when just compared to Cro-Magnon man, and this involution is continuing silently.
Behind great words, our societies are far more violent and destructive of Nature than the previous ones, and this on a massive scale.
And this movement is in reality encouraged by cowardice, and the growing importance given to self interest and competition - even in the most stupid situations. Inescapably, modern human beings' aim to be able to behave like robots towards fake "Annunakis", while feeling nothing except programmed emotions, is becoming a reality : the new reality of an every day absurd life, for which the latters will have to pay the harsh price, at the end coming soon.
It's sad and deeply ridiculous, but it's a fact. The bionic or transhuman creatures might be more human than humans, which is a strong paradox.
Does this lead to more efficiency and power on human side ? The answer is clearly NO, because of the reversal on march !

More and more entangled situations are created by human beings about climate, the destruction of Nature, and a crawling but growing poverty worldwide. And present human beings have from a long time solutions about them... that they absolutely not want to use, as everybody would benefit from them.
Just replanting trees for instance is easy, to put an end to the foolish and harmful deforestation of Amazonia in Brasil, the "ill lung" of our planet ! It makes years now, an abnormally low magnetic field is measured in Brasil (and South America), which is even a reversed one !
The obvious solution of replanting trees can also be applied in other countries, like ...France equalilly where tempests produced by more and more frequent convection rains are causing big floods just because no bush is stopping anymore the water. This water seems having also a remarkable difficulty to be absorbed by the ground, due to the volume it represents, but equalilly to the unusual behaviour of "widower oxygen" again. As the hot goes to the cold, if the ground is too hot, something doesn't work anymore.

At a time convection rains can provoke frequent gale tempests anywhere, it could be also a time for France to recognize the existence of "asperatus" : it is not just a kind of "altocumulus", but a new cloud in itself, a "supercloud" in fact. If etymologically "asperatus" means "brutal" in Latin, it is to explain why this cloud can worsen meteo forecasts oversuddenly ! Thus, it could be a good help for our meteorologists to align at last themselves on Greenwich ones (UK) for weather forecasts improving.
Just observe Jupiter's gigantic clouds or Venus' whirlpool tempests and you will understand that something has definitively changed in our surrounding universe.

The Conference of Le Bourget (near Paris, France), which will be held next year by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will certainly be a high place for Green Capitalism, behind the usual "bla bla bla". But it's true Climate policies can help World GDP's growth of $ 2,600 billion by 2030 (2.2% a year), with the necessary technological and financial investments. And the next official talks will probably just aim at creating a new tax and debatable constraints for people, to enforce the "Carbon print" ideology.
It would thus create a huge surprise, if the topic of "Widower Oxygen" was unexpectedly approached.

Yet, "Widower Oxygen" is talking to us, but nobody seems to listen. It's a bit like for God, the Creator of Nature.
The pulse of Universe is beating strongly, and no human being can stop it. But at least, we can make effort to sound out its spiral or whirlpool movement, and try to understand that Nature is now unlocked. The untameable Nature is the boss, and no human being can take control of its vortex process !

Nobody will possibly use the old "Repulsator" of the Austrian Viktor Schauberger (1885 - 1958), to recreate the full hydraulic cycle or clean easily polluted waters. And the critical point of 4°C will probably remain ignored. His work on the implosive characteristics of Nature is dating back to 1933, when he published : "Our foolish and stupid work - the origin of the world crisis".
Anyway, nobody is officially able to understand how his invention - using water (H2O) -, is working now, in order to recycle quite easily CO2.

The time of good will, or more often bad will of human beings towards Nature is over.
The decision is not anymore theirs now, whatever they can be or not "pseudo-ecologists" working for "Green Capitalism" and its "permits to pollute" (Carbon credits).
And the print of the "Widower Oxygen" will last far more than the misleading "Carbon print" !
As an epilog, if anyone is seeing a cap or a tee-shirt carrying the symbol of a wriggling trout (Schauberger's symbol for the principle of antigravitation he discovered), it doesn't automatically mean he is just in front of a sunday fisherman !

With a debatable ban of plastic bags in French hypermarkets and big box stores by January 1st, 2016, one can wander if France particularly doesn't ambition to become a second Kingdom of Bhutan, without saying it ?
In truth I tell you, there is a godly mantra to provoke a return to the State of Nature for Earth. And you probably know already half of it : the famous primal word OM, that people are using in yoga or meditation for its big power.
The missing part is "K-ASH", and the full mantra is then : "K-ASH-OM" !...
....not to pronounce or to repeat if you are not ready, oups !

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The rallying cry of Neanderthalians : pouah !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D

We don't know so much about the Neanderthalians. When you study the genesis of their discovery in Germany in the XIXth. century, it's full of contradictions, with funny comments and high controversies, not totally resolved presently.
The famous writer H.G. Wells (1866 - 1946), even imagined that they were just starting to talk in his famous novel published in 1897 : "A Story of the Stone Age".
According to him, the word they were using commonly and almost uniquely was "Pouah" ! But, it is certainly exaggerated.
Funnily yet, this primal word is very much in use nowadays.
Does it mean that Neanderthalians didn't disappear, or are among us without realizing ?

All the question is about the indirect, or let's be bold, the direct link existing between Neanderthalians and present human beings.
Who knows for instance, if they were suited like us and shaved, nobody would be able to recognize them in a metro station of Paris ?
In Paris, a lot of people are often saying "Pouah" ! And yet, no scientific studies has been made to trace a root from Neanderthalians, when France, with Germany and several other countries in the world have got in common their recognized existence at a prehistoric time at least.

We remember when we were a pupil in high school at the door of Périgord, so rich for its prehistoric artefacts and discoveries, that we asked a question to our pretty teacher of biology.
She had a beautiful face, with nice brown hair, and she was explaining about the theory of evolution. She was showing to the whole class images of skulls, from monkey to Cro-Magnon ("homo sapiens sapiens"), just after having quoted Neanderthal with his stressed sloping forehead and his striking arches of the eyebrow. "Pouah !"

The astonishing thing was, she was underlining the brain development and capacities of our ancestors till nowadays. As we noted something illogical about Neanderthal (with a brain of 1550 cm3), when Cro-Magnon had only one of 1450 cm3 - and present human being still below -, we just asked our teacher if this meant that human being was finally regressing through ages ? Surprised by our spontaneous question, she became a little bit red when answering there was no involution of human beings, ...and added : "we'll talk about it in the course of next week !" But she never did !
We just meant : was the man of Neanderthal just "homo sapiens", when the less brainy Cro-Magnon was called "homo sapiens sapiens" ?

We know now the man of Neanderthal wasn't in fact a cossack of Crimea suffering of arthrosis, a horse rider then, who died in a cave of "Neander valley" ("Neanderthal" in old German), after having been badly injured in a battle against the retreating troops of Napoleon in 1814. It was yet the first result of the observations, about the bones and skull discovered near Düsseldorf in 1856. And the word "Neander" coincidentally (?) means "the new man".
But since, things have enormously Evolved. And we have now scientific methods, like the "protein clock", allowing a clear datation of skull and bones, to be able to assert they were undoubtedly the one of a prehistoric man.

The only hiatus can come from his habits to make various notches on bones : some minoritarian searchers are thinking about a real system of notches, without daring calling them a nascent writing.
As writing is taken as the main indicator for the start of history, Neanderthalians can bit a bit annoying. Couldn't they content themselves with dressing in skins of animals those ones, instead of giving headache to scientists ?
De facto, nobody is ready to change the whole chronology of human being history (not only prehistory then), just because of them !
Anyhow, Neanderthal would date back of 60 000 years at least, in the beginning of the glaciation of Würm.

As more fossiles and shells than Tools have been found near Neanderthalian remains all over the world (Germany of course, France, Belgium, Gibraltar, Italy, Crimea, Uzbekistan, ex-Yugoslavia, Israël, Irak, China, Java, and Zambia...), at the difference of Cro-Magnons, it is more difficult to have a complete idea about them. Then, the popular imaging modelled by a controversial science about Neanderthal could be wrong. And absolutely nothing is proving that Neanderthal was pulling by the hair his woman in the conjugal cave, while holding in the other hand a bludgeon ! Pouah!
Nobody can imagine him picking flowers, like buttercaps, for his promised. And yet, we know he was making a big use of flowers for different purposes.

What is funny about scientific assertions is that Neanderthal was able to master fire and sometimes to create art, but normally incapable of sewing (in spite of his "notches" method for clothes), making pottery or even a basket. Pouah !
It is also recognized he was able of compassion and help towards aging or injured people, and probably had a kind of animal cult, bear or wolf in Europe especially.
Strangely, present human beings are more connected to him than they think, as his successors. Officially, the man of Neanderthal is said to have been eliminated by harsh Cro-magnon men, if we follow the most admitted hypothesis. But nothing is proving all this is entirely true, and that there was neither interbreeding, nor more astonishingly any more direct survival since 24 000 BC.

The art of Skulls' modelling is now so sophisticated that another hypothesis is widely spreading to cancel the mistake which has been made about the real face of the man of Neanderthal : "pouah !"
The remodelled version is based on a different interpretation about the muscles of his neck, which was certainly straigther to allow him walking normally, by standing up, or even running after a mammoth or a woolen rhinoceros. We musn't forget that Neanderthal had a very strong constitution, with an inner ability to resist coldness, and an athletic shape.
Anyhow, we cannot ignore the remodelled version of Neanderthal face (we will call it "Neanderthal II), could be totally mistaken with the one of our ordinary fellows !

The man of Neanderthal is largely remaining an enigma. The successive and contradictive revisions of science about him, are showing how puzzling his existence and way of life were.
It shows also the limits of modern science, and its surprising difficulty to guess precisely what.  Neanderthal is said to have completely disappeared, and yet searchers are making constantly projections on certain present traditional tribes, like the ones of Papua-New Guinea, to imagine how he was by an exaggerated analogy.
All this is leading in a non-said way to the lack of imagination of the descendants of "homo sapiens sapiens" (Cro-Magnon). What would it mean, if modern man and woman, didn't understand what he truly was,  and remained so full of lasting prejudices, while ignoring their own "tribal" behaviour "?
Anyhow, the last humorous word will be the one of Neanderthal himself : pouah !