Saturday, August 2, 2014

Just science fiction : could July 4th, 2016, be the festival of "Kissey Cheeks" ?

by Jean-Jacques Courtey, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D

Here is an idea of scenario for a science fiction movie, to be directed in Hollywood, if possible... or why not in Nevada or New Mexico.
Our purpose is to help human beings interrogating themselves about their own humanity which will save them, but equalilly to realize what they might represent for intelligent beings of the vast universe.

Nowadays, a lot of people imagine the world is secretly lead by a "Satellite Secret World Government", which wants to reduce them to the state of slavery by using puppet states.
This is due to an invading type of litterature, but also to a developping Hollywood film trend.
And obviously, we are all influenced by this expanding and fast opinion, considerably facilitated by everyday news. And with the pressure of the "Vultures Funds" fed by the Debt crisis, the development of "democrature" (a mixture of democracy and dictatorship), where the citizen is just useful when he is voting, but deprived of any real power in between, doesn't help.
This allows ordinary human beings to think they would be terribly good, and real "white knights" or "white dames" at the opposite, even they just timidly fight to maintain the fundamental rights they were promised by forked and deceptive tongues or contemptuous heirs of bloody "headcutters" ruining their country !
And it's totally wrong of course, as a growing number of them are becoming unable to show any empathy in the daily life. This is especially remarkable in the countries "selling" human rights like if they were "washing powder" !

It is certain for instance that film industry, and mass media also, are shaping the way we are thinking. And often, they are also preparing us to accept new conditions in our environment. But this moulding cannot lead human beings to be absolved of their own tendencies.
Themselves, they don't need hatemongers to show very often an hideous face.
The way our modern societies - often ill - are developping, totally allows a wide development of psychopathology which includes more and more women, and the associated unability of acting with humanity and respect. And it is suicidal for them.
With a Darwinist background, psychopaths are even celebrated in private or public sector for their "achievements", their extremely cool blood and their total lack of emotions - which is strange if you start thinking.
So they are at the opposite of "Kissey Cheeks" : this nickname was given by the human staff of S4 (Basis of Groomlake, Nevada, USA) to the "Greys", because they like very much kissing human females or hugging friends.

Thus, there is no need to look for the funny explanation of an alien silent invasion, by the Greys for instance, to explain why our societies are accepting and even praising psychopaths in most fields.
Because, actually nothing could be further from the truth : the Greys might totally dislike them in reality ! And above that, they might also right now intrude in our human history to erase what is unwished, like a gum eraser for a cartune !
It is something the defunct Dr Michael Wolf-Kruvant (1941 - 2000) of S4 in Nevada was observing before he died of an accelerated cancer in 2000, at the time of his book publication about them ("The Catchers of Heaven"). Himself was quoting that they were unexpectedly warm and affectionate.
Astonishingly, they were admiring greatly the emotional capacities of human beings and our unusual creativity. So then, they were really desperate to be able to feel them also and to set free at last. That's why when they finally found the way to get rid of their sterility, a great joy invaded their grey face : their cheeks could blush this time !

Whatever there was or not a secret treaty in 1950 between the UNO and the "Corporative" ("Zetas")  following the great shock of 1947, forbidding "Zetas" to appear in public (like in the funny film "Paul" of Greg Mottola - coproduction of 2011), it doesn't change the fact human beings are in charge of their own humanity.
And the truth is nobody can deprive them of this humanity, just themselves very stupidly may be !
The new thing is the above officially "non-existent" treaty would end up on July 3rd, 2016 at Midnight (Washington DC time).
This means many "good and funny smoking Paul" might appear over suddenly, in American Streets or elsewhere, surging from nowhere. They may just look for a bar or a night-club to order a vodka-orange or a daïquiri, and have some fun dancing a lambada or a macarena asked to the DJ. And all that may just end up with big brawls for pretty Earthian girls, with other dancers, if they were suddenly igniting the dance-floor and every Pamela around !
Heavens, it would be more amazingly shocking than "Sharknado " in los Angeles and New-York !

A period of 66 years and 6 months is a funny length of time, but there is a reason to this choice, based upon an affectionate will of rememberance. Of course, if they wanted to imitate human behaviour towards just a piece of paper (the treaty), like "Paul" they could start right now breaching in space and time what is is said not to exist, after all. Hey ! Hey !
On July 2nd, 1947 then, late night, there was a very bad meteo on Roswell area (New Mexico), with big thunders, and an unexpected accident happened : a collision between two flying discs (called after that episode "flying saucers"), which fell apart at several miles distance.
In the first one, there was an indemn survivor of hardly 1.50 m, but in the second one, all were dead except a "biological entity" (measuring around 1.60 m) who was badly injured. The first one, a male, was said to be a Grey, from Zeta Reticuli, a Zeta then. But the second one, a female, was said to be Orange, and now identified as coming from somewhere else (Andromeda). They were coming together as allies to negociate with America Earth's future.

The first ambassador, nicknamed Jarod, was made prisoner and had to deliver for years his knowledge about the making of "flying saucers" : he pointed out the unknown "element 115", instead of the unknown "element 114", explaining why America is now so delayed on Russia ! Gosh !
The stay of the second ambassador, at the opposite, was very short : did they misunderstand her physical state (?), ...but she had to endure an alive autopsy by American military doctors, before finally dying.
And nowadays, the whole story of Roswell is denied - but funnily not S4, since 1994 with the official stealth bomber "F-117-Nighthawk" -, mainly because of this act of extreme inhumanity. And the observation she had six fingers at each hand instead of four like a Zeta is dismissing her existence : "everybody knows ETs have only four", has been the almost lapidary explanation of this voluntary oversight !
Anyhow, the figure 6 chosen in a repeated way three times for the end of the "non-existent" treaty of 1950 (66 years and 6 months), is a way to remind human beings about her awful death.

If what is written above is altering your Cartesianism, just imagine that's a masterpiece of human imagination. And go to sleep peacefully, with the reassuring certitude that you are just like Saint Thomas ! You believe only what you can see, which actually is not much.
You live in this world without any logic as a materialistic creature of flesh and blood, with a big doubt about the very existence of your soul, and when you pass away absolutely nothing survives. It is like you never existed in the vast universe, by rebecoming a minute part of the Great Void.

If you don't think this way, which is the case of a huge majority of human beings, then it can lead you to understand better your quickly changing environment.
If the plastic bags we talked about in a previous article ('"Supernature" against human science : the curious disappearing of the VIIth continent !') are so fastly disappearing now from Oceans and Seas, it could be because something huge is in preparation : for certain beings, the planet needs absolutely to be cleaned up, as they don't want to live in a vast dustbin as for them, even they seem to like smoking tobacco !

Actually, not only human beings are not convinced in the "economic truths" of the present human medicine, and its big limitations.
Zetas for instance, may know very well what dangerous illnesses can be cured or prevented, for almost nothing !
And as the Greek Doctor Hippocrat of Kos (460 - 377 BC), they might totally be aware of the secret magic of Apoptosis on the living body !
Thus, if the festival of "Kissey Cheeks" was really happening on July 4th, 2016, beyond just imagination, terrific discoveries or instant cures could be over-suddenly made in the medical area.
And it really needs it, to be at last at the service of human beings' health and not the opposite, without any misuse !

But presently, the reality is far more flat : the only Zetas that Americans are un-secretly worried, are the ones of Mexico : it's the name of a famous Mexican Cartel, far more powerful than the one of Medellin in Colombia.
If you add a strange rumor spreading nowadays in America about a so-called "plan" of invasion of the South of the USA, for Mexico to recover seven of its previous provinces, you will understand that a potential Zeta Reticulian day of freedom is not the cup of tea of the protagonists - at a time a "De-Dollarization" of the world economic system just started.

So then, the paranoia which is surrounding the continuing edification of an 1100 km wall at the southern border of the USA with Mexico (from 2006), might not be connected only to a big concern for controlling Mexican immigration, but also to this very diffuse and exaggerated fear !
The checkpoint of Tubac (Insterstate 19, Arizona) and the enormous traffic jams it is provoking everyday, may get on the nerves of car or lorry drivers for long still !
After all "El Zorro" -  "The Fox" - of Los Angeles (California), we admired in our childhood, was in fact a Spanish hidalgo, and Hollywood has been build on the hacienda of family De la Vega as it seems !

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