by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
This is our new article of "Just science-fiction", our mascot series.
So you have to take it this way obviously.
Today, we will talk about the ignored war happening presently on Earth between Alpha Centaurians and Sirians, both ET people being amphibians.
The main place they are at fight, with immediate consequences for human beings, is the Gulf of Aden and its surroundings at large.
Since 2012, at the occasion of this renewed ancestral war on Earth, a strange vortex has fully reopened near Aden and Yemen below the waters : the fearful "Eye of Ra" !
As usually, just enjoy our narration as a masterpiece of imagination, that's all !
Presently, Earthlings are completely overestimating their power to halt the "global warming". Sometimes, this huge forecasted change is also called in a more neutral manner "global climatic change" : the reason is we don't know yet if it will not end up with a new ice age, paradoxically.
People are pushed to think that Earthling scientists can totally master the future of Earth, when it might not be really in their power.
If only human beings were the primary cause of the greatest changes on the global variations of climate, because of pollution...and human wars also on half of the planet, they could perhaps have a real impact on them. However, they forget a bit too quickly the obvious role of the Sun, source of life on Earth (symbolized by the God Ra of the ancient Egyptian religion), among other causes.
On a scientific point of view, it is known from a long time that the Sun is influencing meteorology.
The topic of the "Carbon Print", half scientific and half ideological now, is submitted to this finding.
It is probably good to be aware about the "Carbon print" concern. But once you have made this observation, what feasible solutions to propose then to avoid returning to the Cave Age ?
Anyhow, we musn't ignore either that other types of populations are living on Earth from an immemorial time - so far before modern Earthlings were created by genetic engineering.
And when they don't get on for immemorial disputes, they never hesitate to fight for supremacy...just like human beings always do despite their words often wrapped in honey, by the way !
It's exactly what is happening for the control of the strategic location of the Gulf of Aden, near Yemen...which is also not so far from Saudi Arabia westward.
Just above geographically, there is the Persian Gulf, where any conflict can arise presently about the oil production and trade.
All the great marines of the world can be present over there, it wouldn't change anything : they are powerless to face the Amphibians, and they don't even understand what they are precisely doing.
The only recorded fact is the reopening of the "Eye of Ra" by Amphibian ETs since 2012, is provoking a noticeable rise of the waters not only in this area, but also worldwide.
On December 22nd, 2012, the day after the winter solstice, this submarine vortex was fully operational, while people were laughing at the nonsense of Maya calendar.
It was the first day of "Katun Cauac" (the time of Tempests or Hurricanes), a "katun" lasting 20 years. And this "katun" is just stressing the global change of climate on Earth, without humour whatsoever.
The "Eye of Ra" vortex seems to be bigger than the one below the Bermuda Triangle, controlled by Alpha Centaurians, as another one in the Pacific area.
The reason is this one is used by two extranean civilizations, and not just one : Alpha Centaurians, who created the defunct Empire of Atlantis, and Sirians from Sirius, who were behind the rise of the opponent empire of Lemuria - which was totally disintegrated by Atlantis before.
The reason why this vortex is called the "Eye of Ra" is not totally clear. But to simplify you have to take it as the expression of the supreme power of God Ra, which can be highly destructive. It seems effectively this vortex was already known as dormant, at the time the ancient religion of Egypt was dominant.
Strangely, this vortex is used as a super-fast way of entrance on Earth, for the vessels of those two hereditary enemies.
It works as a huge spatio-temporal door...and more surprisingly also as a supreme quantic weapon !
America seems to be secretely in touch with Alpha Centaurians in the Atlantic Ocean : they are said to be sharing the submarine complex "T3", near the airport of Sao Miguel (Azores, Portugal).
But if Alpha Centaurians signed the "Corporative Treaties" of 1950 and 1954, concerning the rules applied to the signatory ETs in their relations with Earthlings, it's not the case apparently of Sirians.
So the latters consider they do what they want on Earth, especially when facing Alpha Centaurians in their ancient historical area of influence, starting from the Gulf of Aden.
As a conclusion, the above observations don't mean Sirians - from Sirius - despise Earthlings, and certainly not the way the latters intend to despise them and their anteriority on Earth.
The fact they are said to be non existent, is probably the most brazen way not to respect them, including for the Alpha Centaurians.
Both of them fully understand, that this absurd and idiotic despise is hiding an unescapable fear and a feeling of impotence. Yet, it could explain why they want to show to clever people, that they have also to be taken on account, with their rights being fully respected !
And beyond this strange war of Amphibians, another design could be perceptible then.
A small part of top people forming an elite on Earth, wonder how much they should open the door of an inevitable "Disclosure" ? Soon, it might have no importance anymore, because it is the "Disclosure" which will open below Earthlings' feet, like a gigantic whirlpool !
to be followed...
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