Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Just science-fiction XLI : beyond the Princely Pleiadian Revolution, the NESARA/GESARA, and Princess Pocahontas !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D

This is a new article of our mascot series "Just science-fiction", dedicated to global economics and finance.
You may be totally surprised by our narration, which is also including a mysterious Pleiadian Prince, as well as Princess Pocahontas.
Anyhow get ready, and fasten your seatbelt !
Obviously, we wrote it in the form of "fantastic realism". That's why it has to be taken as in its generic title : id est "just science-fiction".


The Pleiadians are among the most important leaders of the Galactic Federation in our universe.
And they are officially representing it as prominent ET leaders on our planet, Earth, through their mysterious Prince : that's why we are talking today about their Princely present Revolution.
It has to be added they are intervening in human history periodically, by reorganizing the world, their world as well as ours. At the difference of most other groups of ETs, they don't like to stay neutral.
In 2016, they backed the election of the Republican Donald J. Trump to the US presidency, who won at the general surprise.
One month before (on October 3rd, 2016), we published an article on "Global Politics and Economics" about this election to come, untitled "Just Science-fiction XIV : Trump, the Pleiades' option and the message RIVATIVJ !".
He was actually elected just a few days after the GESARA (Global Economic Security And Reformation Act) was fully accepted by G20 in China, on November 1st, 2016.
The GESARA is the logic following of the NESARA of year 2000 in the USA : the NESARA is standing for the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act.
With the NESARA, the USA are finally conquering their real independence from the Queen's Bank of England and the Bank of Vatican.

The NESARA can appear as the reactivation of the Executive Order n°11110 taken by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917 - 1963), on June 4th, 1963. It was just several months before he died tragically in Dallas (Texas, USA), on November 22nd, 1963.
The idea of Kennedy was to put an end to the biased system of USA Inc. (created in 1871 after the end of the Secession War), and the one of FED (founded in 1913 on the Jekyll island, USA), which established a lasting dependence towards the Crown and the Vatican.
Actually, if the NESARA law was initiated by the Congress in the year 2000, it stayed unapplied till very recently. In fact it's only after the GESARA was accepted by all the countries registered in the UN in 2016, that President Donald J. Trump (born in 1946 in New York, USA) took the Executive Order n°5404 on March 22nd, 2018. So then he reinitiated the NESARA in its present shape. It seems he attaches great importance to honouring the memory of his predecessor, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was a Democrat about him.

The creation of a new note called US Note (USN), based upon Gold and Assets in parallel with the fiduciary currency of the FED, is in fact revolutionary.
It is stopping the payment of interests on US Dollars notes emitted by the FED, which means the USA are now at last owners of their currency.
This huge reorganization of the "Planet Finance", was accompanied by the creation of a new reserve currency for whole Africa, the "Zim" (the new currency of Zimbabwe, ex-British Rhodesia).
This was the result of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Recovery Act  (ZIDERA) of 2001, amended in 2018, and signed by President Donald J. Trump.
Coincidentally or not, it has to be quoted that at the end of last year, France was lead to abandon the old system of "Franc CFA" for its ex-colonies of Africa.
As a result, the full enforcement of the NESARA/GESARA system is only dating back to January Ist, 2020, with its final touch : the VAT single rate (14%) created in the USA, to replace direct taxes by indirect taxes.
The GESARA would deserve a subsequent development, but let's say today that it has cancelled in its first clausus a huge part of the States' Debts (mortgages, other loans, and so on) !
This is benefitting not only America (the first Debtor in the world), but also the other States registered in UN !
All this is resulting of the Pleiadian initiative, which was finally followed by a final agreement with Alpha Dracos, another non-neutral group on Earth. As a matter of fact, the Galactic Federation decided to reset the Earth financial system, in order to make it healthier !

In that acception, the present BREXIT can appear as a way for the Crown to stabilize (or re-assess) its power in the world, over the 16 kingdoms it has sovereignty on, and obviously on the 53 states of Commonwealth (around 1/4 of all the States registered in the UN), and their counterparts.
It has to be quoted that Mozambique and Rwanda, which are not at all ex-British colonies, rejoined respectively in 1995 and 2009 "the Commonwealth of Nations" : it was created in 1931, and rebaptized this way without the word "British" in 1949 to help the transmutation of the ex-British Empire. Presently, this super-entity of 31 Million sq. km (for 2.4 Billion inhabitants) has still got four more countries on its waiting list : Madagascar, Yemen, Algeria, and Sudan.
India which has become the 4th Economic Power two years ago, is already an old member (since 1947, year of its independence) of this world organization, often misunderstood in France.
The aim of London is actually to stay the financial capital of the world, as it was until now, since the loss of Canada and India by the Kingdom of France (Treaty of Paris, 1763). Everything must change so then nothing changes.
Strangely in France, some people seem to ignore that Canada is a Kingdom, and not a Republic.
It is lead by a Prime Minister elected democratically of course, but the Head of State is Queen Elisabeth II (born in 1926 in London, UK).
Over there, she is represented by a Governor General, like in Australia and New Zealand, as well as in all her other overseas dominions (Statute of Westminster, 1931). And it has to added she is too the Head of Commonwealth.

In parallel of BREXIT (which stands for "Britain Exit" of the European Union), which happened last January 31st, and its aftermath of surprising negotiations, a vast agreement has to be made with America.
But, of course here, we are talking about the "New America", benefitting from the NESARA/GESARA system.
The commercial agreement planned between the Crown and the USA, is also a mean to keep alive some remains of the old Virginia Company and its specific maritime rules.
The Virginia Company was founded in 1606 in the honour of Queen Elisabeth I (1533 - 1603), equally called the "Virgin Queen". It established from May 13th, 1607, in the newly founded "Jamestown" (in "Virginia" then) : it was on the land of the father of the Indian Princess Pocahontas Matoaka (c. 1595 - 1617). She was a Powhatan and believed in "Kitchi Manitou" - the "Great Spirit" keeping the amazing secrets of Tobacco.
Hence, the Virginia Company greatly benefitted from the beautiful romance of this very sentimental woman with the British captain John Smith, she saved from death. And after various upheavals and conflicts in connection with the sudden and secret departure of John Smith for England, it lead to the definitive establishment of British immigrants in what became the USA.
Very strangely, people have never noticed that the Indians lead by Pocahontas' father (Wahunsunacock, also called "King Powhatan"), were said to be descendants of Pleiadians in their legends !
Coming back to the new global financial system, it has to be actuated again to work well.

As you can see, we are definitely in a very global perspective, where the Pleiadians through their Prince of Earth, are integrating (or reintegrating ?) our planet to the Galactic Federation.
The new American presidential election of the first Tuesday of November 2020 is then extremely important for the continuing of the vast changes introduced as quoted above.

If there was a grain of sand of any kind in the ongoing process, it is very likely that an economic and financial world crisis would occur.
It would almost certainly be worse than the ones of 1929 or 2008. And it could happen obviously in 2020, this year then, by acting as a reset.

We don't know if the "Great Spirit" of Princess Pocahontas is behind the biggest reorganization of America, England and the world since 1607 ? She died under the Christian name of Mrs Rebecca Rolfe, in Gravesend (Kent, England) in 1617 - probably of pneumonia -, when she wanted to return to Virginia and see again her Indian homeland.

The Powhatans were Virginia Algonquins. And it appears that Pocahontas' father was the "King" of all their confederacy.
It has to be underlined that the Powhatans were said to be able to master very strong divine forces, and to call the shots, by provoking heavy rain...as well as good weather !

But we must admit this world is really amazing and full of incredible events.
People intend to think world history as linear, when it's not at all.
Princess Pocahontas, now called the "Mother of the American Nation" wouldn't have denied that !
And it's clear that Pleiadians want to print again their mark on the destiny of America, and Earth as well : they have all the time of the world !

Amazingly, the story of Princess Pocahontas continued till nowadays. And an official genealogy has even been made to follow her descendance.
For instance, not many people in Europe know Edith Bolling Galt (1872 - 1961), who became the second wife of the famous US President Woodrow Wilson (1856 - 1924), was from the lineage of this very important Indian Princess. She was at his side when he negociated the Treaty of Versailles (June 28th, 1919), just after the end of the First World War !

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