Friday, May 1, 2020

Just science-fiction XLII : beyond reincarnation, Buddha's clarification and Roswell !

by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D

Today we are going to make a transverse analysis between what is supposed about reincarnation, Buddha's clarification...and Roswell.
And as usually, this article has to be taken as a masterpiece of imagination of course : id est "Just science-fiction" !

Nowadays reincarnation has become a fashionable belief worldwide, including among Christians.
It is certainly due to the very strong imprint of the New Age movement : it is appearing as a vast and syncretic spiritual movement which started in the Sixties, and was influenced by "Theosophy" and "Gnosis".
Normally, the main point of Christianity is resurrection, not reincarnation.
With resurrection, the same person is rebirthing in the same body. The best known example is Jesus Christ.
With reincarnation, on the contrary, we are supposed to be reborn in a different body as a baby, after an undertermined period following death.

The main problem about reincarnation, is the deep amnesia we are suffering when we are reborn.
In that way, it can appear as a very illogical system.
As reincarnation is officially based upon the law of Karma (litteraly "action"), it is implying reward or punishment in connection with the good or bad actions of our past lives.
But the problem is everybody has to improve in this present life according to this law of retribution...without knowing what he or she did in another life.
And this paradoxical and uneasy process can last a very long time.

A very famous man made, circa the VIth or Vth century BC, a clarification about reincarnation : the married Prince Siddhartha Gautama from Nepal, better known under the name of Buddha ("the Awakened").
The most annoying with Karma is its very appearent unfairness, and its flock of sufferings said to be due to desires.
You are supposed to perfect yourself in a new life, when you ignore totally what you might have done in a previous life.
As a matter of fact, when you are reborn with a new "Vehicle" (your new body), you have normally completely forgotten your anterior life.
To be precise, this is not entirely true, as we are said to keep memory of our previous life till we become 2 years old.
The problem is that as a baby, nobody will listen to you, or understand your lisps.
And if you are in the rarest case - by remembering until 6 years old -, everybody will think your child imagination is too strong !

About this "amnesia" we have got every time we are reborn, Buddha made a determining clarification, and intended to bring beginnings of solution.
You can use special techniques (meditation, good food and drinks, tantras, mudras, sutras, mantras...) to find back the memory of who you were, and definitively free yourself from the wheel of reincarnations !
Hence, Buddha is very important for the noticeable mantra "OM MANI PADME HUM" ("the jewel of lotus").
The latter when repeated numerous times constantly, is said to give back memory about our previous life...and even our previous lives if recited quite a lot ! The only problem is not to stay locked around 2 years old (when you were a baby), in this present life !
The final way of Buddha is based upon Dharma ("what is sustaining"), not Karma ("action"... provoking a reaction, often interpreted as a punishment) !

Buddha's life is not always well known by some buddhists.
We remember an anecdote of the past, when a buddhist man asked us to teach him who was exactly Buddha ? We answered, it should be him to explain us who he was, and not us as we were not buddhist.
But he insisted, so we told him what we knew about him, by trying to be objective (non judgemental).
He didn't know he had more than 32 teeth (40 in fact !) and some other peculiarities - a very long tongue for instance - showing he was presdestined to be a charismatic spiritual leader.
Nowadays, there is a story about his left canine which would have escaped his incineration after his death. It is officially kept in the "Temple of the Tooth Relic" in Kandy (Sri Lanka).
Amazingly, such a tooth is symbolizing a way to directly access the "Library of our lost memories". But, it's not sure people take it this way.

As he smiled, we added that Buddha himself was sometimes a fun, by not taking himself too seriously, and accepting not to be perfect.
And we pointed out the striking moment he suddenly reached the final awakening, under his banian fig tree : someone just sat down close to him, and started to eat and drink as if he wasn't there, which was rather provocative as he was starving and so thirsty.
Buddha then said : "How hard it is not to eat when you are hungry, and how hard it is not to drink when you are thirsty !" And he stopped immediately his very long meditation of two years.
Obviously just after, he ate and drank a lot to catch back the lost time. With this small excess, he felt suddenly better and reviving. After that, good food and drinks, as well as a behavior spousing nature stayed always of special importance for him : that's why he is habitually represented smiling with a big tummy !
The fact he had predicted himself the final transmutation of his new path (for Now as it seems), with a new Buddha - not necessarily oriental - called "Milefo", is connecting him to something from beyond the Cosmos.

At this point, you may wonder what reincarnation and Buddha have got to do with Roswell ?
In July 1947, when there was the Roswell accident of flying saucers everybody has heard in New Mexico (USA), among the survivors there was of course a Zeta (the famous "J. Rod"), but also a female ET of another specie calling herself "Airl".
Her civilization she was naming "the Domain", appears wider than Andromeda.
Generally, we are taught she was injured and died sometimes after, with a controversial autopsy.
The big problem is that it seems it wasn't caused by the accident with "J.Rod", but by the electroshocks of bad scientists to make her speak at the end - about the secret technology of flying saucers.
When she was well treated at the beginning, she gave a lot of interesting informations by telepathy to the military nurse who was kindly looking after her.
But, when scientists started to interfere she refused to communicate anymore by warning humans : they should always be careful with cunning scientists and their scenarios to reach supreme power !

She told the military nurse human beings don't understand anything to their real origin, as well as their true history.
And the reason is connected to the deliberate amnesia, imposed upon them once they are reborn.
Earth in her presentation is just a "Jail Planet" to exile banished people.
Then the way reincarnation is usually introduced is completely wrong. And the question of personal improvement has never been the real point : the true point is to prevent people to remember...and escape !
Anyhow, if your only aim is to improve yourself, it's not a bad thing in itself. And you are welcome of course. 
Yet to her, the reincarnation process is only linked to the survival of  the remains of the "Ancient Empire" !

In that acception, she added that her coming on Earth was connected to her brothers and sisters stuck on Earth from this ancient time : the time of  the "Annunaki" - "the Offsprings of (the God) Anu" coming from the Sky - in Sumer (presently Iraq).
In her message, she was counting on benevolent people of Earth to help her disclosing it.
She came on Earth as a pilot and an engineer, but also as a representative of her highly developped bring a message of hope to the 3000 remainers of an "ET batallion" lost on Earth thousands of years ago. She knew they spread on all Earth since that time, which made complicated to find them back all.
She explained a lot about the kind of silicone composing her apparent skin and body, by quoting it was just an enveloppe or a  practical "vehicle" she could leave anytime !
She said that, at the opposite of her, those 3000 super-intelligent creatures were stuck in their enveloppe because of the very strong Earthling "Force-Field".
They had stayed for too long on Earth. And that was why they had never been able to leave it, and to come back home. But she wanted to tell them they are neither abandoned, nor forgotten !

In conclusion, "Airl" unveiled the secret of those 3000 ETs connected to the old Annunaki of Sumer, who are stuck on Earth since that time, by being prisoners of their human enveloppe and the unescapable mechanism of reincarnation.
Her message is now making sense with the return of old Gods on our planet, after a so long time.
It might have secretly been made possible at the favor of the confining imposed willy-nilly on Earth presently, by avoiding human curiosity. The top arrival occurred on last April 29th, when some observers made a confusion between their huge Vessel and an enormous asteroid - which didn't hit Earth obviously. They might have used a "Rakshasa Generator of Phase Change", making them able to travel in the space at a speed reaching ten times the speed of light !

Airl was thus describing reincarnation as a prison of the mind and accessorily of the body. According to her, it has absolutely not the challenging aim to improve human beings through Karma, but on the contrary to emprison for ever people on Earth, considered as a "Jail Planet" (Hell). Sometimes, it is also true it can appear as a zoo for the tourism of ETs (Purgatory). So then, to her Earth is rarely a source of happiness, even it may happen occasionally (Paradise).
Hence, the potential coming back of old Annanuki's Gods on our planet could be a complex issue, for a New Phase of History : a new balance of presence and power would have to emerge with other important ET species and Earthlings.

She repeated the most important for human beings and her lost comrades, was to tear the veil of the deliberate amnesia imposed upon them once they are reborn.
Earth in her presentation was just initially an isolated planet to punish people called the "Divergents", who were used to exploit gold, copper and other important minerals. And sometimes, it was used to give entertainment for fun also.
Then, the way reincarnation is usually presented is wrong, and very partial.
And the question of personal improvement has never really been the main point : the true point is to prevent people to remember...and free over suddenly themselves !

You must remember your past lives to realize who you really are, before you can suddenly free from your mental jail...and possibly get out of your body to travel anywhere you want in the Cosmos !
In that way the concept of "Vehicle" (for the body) you can travel from, used by Buddha, was luminous.
And this is what Buddha, who was one of them according to "Airl", has clearly accomplished !

What is new now is that Rakshasas (the old Gods of the ancient Annunaki, sometimes considered to be behind the Mithraic religion too) have changed their mind about Earth.
It is important to quote that they are foes of Zetas - small Greys -, who are the most numerous group of ETs on our planet (around 50% of the total).
Thus, it could be important to keep the eyes on the Sky, rather empty at the moment, to watch any unusual movement.
Everyday people are heavily repeating on TV that tomorrow will be different from yesterday, after the world confining - as if it was almost a wish : they could happen to be right, but in a way they didn't expect after last March ("Mars" in French ) !

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