by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D
Usually we intend to consider that if they are existing, ETs want absolutely to conquer and dominate Earth. So the Military is the main approach...which those very clever beings don't understand well.
That's why, they consider us as very aggressive and unpeaceful.
In reality, most ETs are not seeing Earth as a potential battlefield, but on the contrary as a source of fun - whatever it can be a huge zoo, or an adequate location in this galaxy to entertain themselves or beloved people, for instance.
They like Art (Creation then) beyond what we habitually imagine. Under that new approach, Music for example is terribly important for them.
So today our new article of "Just science-fiction" will be dedicated to XBZ38, the Andromedan star singer of "Zag"...and his seductive girlfriend ZBEL27.
They are making a totally imaginary tour on Earth, of course !
XBZ38, a very famous singer of "Zag" (a funny mix of Charleston, Swing, and Disco) on Andromeda would agree with our presentation. He was dreaming to be selected for an Earthling biopic with his girlfriend.
Then, he would even accept to be interviewed for amusement.
Music is a way for him to show up...without being really seen.
Don't forget human beings don't normally pay a precise attention... to what is just in front of them ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
The real name of XBZ38 is Erk, but he doesn't like it. That's why he changed it for his scene name : XBZ38 !
XBZ38 is in love with ZBEL27, who is a funny girl with her cute little ears.
They met at a Gig on Earth (in Miami, USA), not on Andromeda, even they are both coming from over there. As a matter of fact, Florida is the GHQ of Andromedans, since the "non existent" Corporative Treaty of 1954 with UN. It is even thought they might have discretely helped NASA (1958), for the creation of its Space Center Launches complex in 1959 (in Cape Canaveral).
Sometimes, when they are alone XBZ38 calls his girlfriend Lika : she told him her parents named her like that when she was born.
XBZ38 is mischievous with her. He adores caressing her ears : it always transports him of joy !
And in return, she rubs his nice nose with delicacy and tenderness to demonstrate her adoration !
For most ETs the phenomenon of attraction, called on Earth "falling in the blue love at the first sight", is extremely common. It is also unbelievably researched.
They are uncomplicated at the difference of many Earthlings : with their rather romantic side, they welcome gentle responses.
And quite a lot of them are just living to know this happy state, only in search of a nice contentment.
At the opposite, on Earth a lot of people don't believe in love at first sight. Above that, love is usually bothering them, as it looks futile, childish or irrational to their quickly aging eyes. They are too often obsessed by wanting to know who dominates who.
And even they sometimes can do it themselves, they are rarely happy in life.
If Success in Life was measured by the ability to deeply fall in love and to be loved like on Andromeda for instance, most Earthlings would appear as complete losers !
In Orlando (Florida, USA), Andromedans have even created for fun an "MBL" (L standing for Love), in order to replace "MBA" among them : they find the latter out of fashion and boring !
Above that, the area of Orlando with Disneyworld (1971), is recalling them with a deep nostalgy their Andromedan home, full of fantasy.
Supremacy has never been the ultimate target of Andromedans...that's why they reach it so often accidentaly, unlike Earthlings.
The main hit of XBZ38 is "Zag Zag" (a demonstrative love song, expressing amorous passion), and the one of ZBEL27 is "Yig Yig" (a spicy love song of "Zag") !
And they like a lot dancing together a typical circular dance of Andromeda, with a sudden squash up : they call it "the passionate peck".
Quite frequently, to imitate Earthlings they kiss each other. They find it very agreable and so amusing. And they often laugh heartily about it !
XBZ38 is like mesmerized when his girlfriend is suited like a vamp : she is his "Betty Boop", and he adores her !
"Betty Boop" is now an old animated cartoon (created in 1930 by the Polish-American Max Fleischer). But it is still very fashionable among Andromedans : they appreciate its evergreen simplicity and its cosy warmth. And above all, she is so cute !
They feel just amazingly happy when they watch her : they are litteraly "melting", at hearing and seeing the feminine expressions and attitudes of this lovely and ever young girl !
As an epilog, let's say XBZ38 and ZBEL27, those very young people of Andromeda (they are just 62 in Earthling computation, which is nothing when you can live centuries), appreciate a lot being on our zany planet !
Due to their inner mechanism of Rejuvenation, they are like "surfing" on years passing !
But, it's true they are paying a great attention to keep healthy, especially on Earth.
When they are travelling here, they always use their traditional medecine, the Earthling one appearing sometimes chaotic and not safe enough to their eyes (because of the stutterings of science). They prefer living very long "empirically", than dying fast "scientifically" !
They can mix discretely with human singers, as their appearance is astonishingly similar.
And this mimetism helps them a lot to blend in with the crowd. That way they look rather ordinary, and then normal.
Sometimes, they try also - with some success - absurd jokes, to be on the same wavelength as their counterparts !
When they wear blue jeans, they are just like millions and millions of people on Earth : nobody is taking that as a "uniform" - the way it could appear, seen from Andromeda.
What is funny is that colour suits them very well, as they have bluish-violet reflects on the scene, when singing. But spectators usually take those reflects for after effects, and not the suddenly visible reflects of their skin under certain spot lights !
By not being a threat this way, XBZ38 and ZBEL27 are quite easily accepted and even admired. And nobody knows from where they are really coming.
They are just considered as eccentric singers when they are in Florida or somewhere else, among many other eccentric people !
So usually, in their zany environment, they don't need to use their secret weapons to defend themselves in a flash. They take Life as a Gift !
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