bei Herr Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doktor in Wirtschaftsgeographie
Es gibt jetzt sehr grosses Chance, damit 2015 das Jahr des nächsten Weltkrieges, das Dritte für uns und Viertes für Russland ist (mit dem kalten Krieg).
Im Westen, Deutschland, das ist die erste wirtschaftliche Macht der Europäischen Union, hat einen Ruf von Kraft, von Ernst,... und oft von ritterlicher Haltung.
Es ist sehr gefärlich und besonders unvernünftig, Russland in seinen letzten Verschanzungen zu shieben, ihm für einzige Lösung nur den Krieg für sein Überleben zurücklassend.
Der Krieg, der Welt droht, riskiert ebenso unerwartet zu sein, wie überwältigend mit der Offenbarung unglaubichen vorher niemals gesehenen Bewaffnungen. Erinnern wir, dass die US. F-35 und F-22 Ermüdungszeichen seit diesem Jahr gegeben haben.
Nur eine Handvoll Männer ist in der Lage, die Apokalypse zu verhindern.
Ungefähr 54 % des deutschen BIP kommt aus dem überschüssigen Saldo des Handeswaage, gegen nur - 3% für Frankreich.
Mit der Unterbrechung der Handelsbeziehungen mit Russland sein grundlegender Kunde in Osteuropa bedeutet das der Autosektor, derjenige von Werkzeugmaschinen, von der grossen Mitentwicklungsprojekte, unter anderen alles, die mit voller Wucht geschlagen sind, ohne alle landwirtschaflichen Produkte zu rechnen.
Keine zwei Jahre in Deutschand werden notwendig sein, um in die Rezession einzutreten, während die amerikanischen Exporte nach Russland beschwingt und fast ironisch bezüglich ihrer zunehmen.
Vergessen wir ebenfalls nicht, dass in März 2015 die USA erneut in stechen Frage der Erhöhung der Decke der Schuld gegenüber gestellt sein werden : in dieser Gelegenheit fühlen manche eine super Krise des Dollars, die durch die Erscheinung mitten am Tag verdoppelt ist, des "Geldes Gespenst schon vor", ohne die angenommene und überraschende Schaffung von "Ruasia" (zu holen Rubel + Yuan + Yen) !
Ein bedeutender Punkt verdient unterstrichen zu sein, den Gas - und Erdölmarkt betreffend, anscheinend unvernünftig in 2014, in einem Zusammenhang konjuncturellen Sinkens der chinesischen Anfrage.
Das überflüssige und sehr billige Gas - und Erdölangebot der Länder der OPEC, hat einen vorläufigen Schlag in der russischen Wirtschaft sicherlich, um Gefallen in USA zu finden.
Aber jetzt bedeutet das der Amerikanisch Gas - und Erdölförderndsektor alles, der in der ernsten Krise ist : Erdöl und Gas von Schieffer sind ausgenommen von 90 $ der Barrel, mit einer Zone von Komfort lieber in 100 $ der Barrel.
Und in ungefähr 55 $ der Barrel, die amerikanischen Ölgesellschaften also milliarden Dollars schon verloren. Das Ergebnis es geht darum, dass USA kein erster Erdölerzeuger des Planeten werden, was ein ernster Misserfolg ist.
Bezüglich Saudi Arabiens, das seinen ersten Ölschock auf der riesigen Lagerung von Ghawar in 2004 gekannt hat, seine Situation ist besorgniserregend, weil ihre Reserven zweifellos durch fast 50% überschätzt sind. Und seit 2011 waren die Welt durch ihre Unterproduktionsprobleme in Unruhe geraten. Aber es ist wahr, dass es besser ist, weniger und teuerer herzustellen, wenn man in ganzer Logik dauern will...und nicht der Gegenteil.
Wenn anderen nicht gelingt mit ihrem russischen Partner zu verhandeln anders, dass einer Logik die unvermeidlich in die kriegerische Gegenüberstellung, sie Deutschland führt es kann, wenn sie es wünscht.
Wir sind in der Weinachtsperiode, und die Länder näher, die sich vorstellen wie Christen den Weinachtsgeist haben sollen, die er am 25. Dezember oder dem 7. Januar gefeiert ist.
Eine christliche Hand nach Russland spannen, dessen der Rubel gerade dabei ist zu versinken, gleichzeitig ritterlich, pragmatisch und den auf der Ukraine entdramatisierten Verhandlungen, Wiege der russische Geschichte trotz alledem schliesslich nützlich, alles bedeutete.
Die Familienauseinandersetzungen sind immer zu verwaltende Köstlichste. Und jedermann weiss, dass es unter derartigen Ümstanden, besser ist vielen Rückgang zu behalten, um auf kluge Weise zu handeln und die Geister beruhigend.
Ein nachfolgender Wiederanstieg des Rubels mit einer starken Einsprizung von Dollars in der russischen Wirtschaft - der wenig in Schulden gestürzt ist und der riesige finanzielle Reserven anordnet (420 Milliarden Dollars) -, ist ohnehin seit Januar 2015 sehr wahrscheinlich.
Die Gegenüberstellung im Laufe Ameropa und Eurasiatin Allianz riskiert sich für die Welt und Ihre Zukunft, ...oder in Gegenteil Ihre zukunftsträchtige Abwesenheit ohne unentberhlichen Kompromiss verheerend zu erweisen.
Die Rücckehr zum Leben von Neanderthal ist eine in Betracht zu ziehende annahme von jetzt an, ohne wirklich zuzulächeln !
Die Zukunft des Mannes, wahrscheinlich mehr, die ist involutiv, als Mann sie zulässt, und die gross keine Sache von Weiser hat, ist vielleicht schon ihre sehr ferne Vergangenheit !
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Just science fiction III : "Cosmocracy" and... "Comet K..." !
by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph.D
Here is an enticing following of our two previous generic articles : "Just science fiction : could July 4th, 2016, be the festival of "Kissey Cheeks" ?" and "Just science fiction II : from Atlantis and its mysterious "Mash Mak" to Agarthi's coming !"
We hope this way to see science fiction, in an "immediate instant of fantastic realism", will give "Crystal" hints to the readers' mind.
Just take it as a masterpiece of imagination and relax anyway !
As a galactic war of 27 years long probably already started, due to a very ridiculous medium country, it could be useful to know some details. Let's say the aim is now the establishment of "Cosmocracy" on Earth.
in this respect "Comet K..." is not the name of a new comet, approaching swiftly Earth from the Sky !
May be the words are anyhow coming from something like that.
But, the origin of those words is staying secret. They seem to have been initiated first in Vatican in High Middle Age.
Sometimes, you can find also the form "Gomet K...". Anyhow, we don't give the full writing as it may be too powerful.
Only one thing is known about those two higly secret words : they are able to modify the usual sight of a human being, and then his perception of the environment on a higher frequency, in order to see Aerial Spirits... the name of ETs at that time. Of course, for that they must logically happen to pass by !
Aerial Spirits, at least at the beginning hadn't the meaning of devils then, in a highly religious time.
In fact, Vatican has been seriously interested in ETs from a very long time, in spite of what a lot of people may ignore.
The power of "Comet K..." is based upon the soundwaves (vibrations) - what Saint John was calling "the Verb" in his famous and rather misunderstood Gospel (Saint John, I-1). He was mainly talking about the final establishment of the divine "Cosmocracy" on Earth, even people didn't understand much about what he wrote !
When repeated at least seven times - but often more -, "Comet K." seems to establish a new syntonisation, like a mantra : our mind is changing of level, and some people can see what they couldn't before - but only the ones who are able to elevate their own spirit and welcome a wider reality ! For others, access will desperately remain denied !
As an epilog, in case the communication could really be established, behave yourself.
Don't be aggressive and don't even try to be domineering, as it could provoke a bad or even a very bad reaction : you don't want to be "azimuthed" ?
You don't want to live the same misadventure 40 US soldiers experienced in S4 (Groomlake Basis in Nevada, USA), after a serious mishap ? Don't you ?
As a matter of fact, it is very difficult to come back to our dimension, when you have been sent in the one of the great Void !
So avoid too a competitive display, by playing the human secular game of "who wins... loses in an un-glorious blaze !" They will despise you or mock at you. And you will feel it clearly : it is this type of primitive arrogance they dislike the most in human creatures !
Just be nice and natural, that's all ! If you can't, forget about our topic !
ETs don't believe in Darwin (1809 - 1882), as they know how human beings were truly created - and for good reason -, without any law of evolution !
On this point, like for the usually good appreciation of Jesus' words also, the traditional conceptions of the Catholic Church are right. Strangely, the Church reached roughly the same conclusions as the Russian SMERSH (1943), which made the first "catalog" of ETs.
But ETs are quite aware of the irrepressible need of rationalized superstition of human beings, to combat their usual inner fears.
You can say for instance the following respectful words : "Maya, Affaby, Zien" ! They have showed they liked it in the past, at the time of the "burning Bush". Never forget, they themselves believe in a Supreme God, who they really respect and revere as for them.
Then speak normally and politely during the exchange : usually they will answer by telepathy (a bit like Atlant way), but you will resent it as real words. Don't be too long at the beginning, and finally say bye bye with "Arpheton" or "Zedereza" !
If you are a woman be elegant, as they like what is nice to watch.
In the opposite case, they may refuse the connection as they prefer beauty.
And if you are a man, be smart, and not the way we usually imagine a "pre-hominian" ! You are not stronger than them anyway, whatever they are smaller or taller - depending on their various origins .
In case of a crossed encounter, female/male or male/female, you can kiss their cheeks, they seem to appreciate this human friendly way.
With them, in most cases, Affection is astonishingly remaining the most surprising key !
To finish off, Acta est fabula ad majorem Dei gloriam !
Here is an enticing following of our two previous generic articles : "Just science fiction : could July 4th, 2016, be the festival of "Kissey Cheeks" ?" and "Just science fiction II : from Atlantis and its mysterious "Mash Mak" to Agarthi's coming !"
We hope this way to see science fiction, in an "immediate instant of fantastic realism", will give "Crystal" hints to the readers' mind.
Just take it as a masterpiece of imagination and relax anyway !
As a galactic war of 27 years long probably already started, due to a very ridiculous medium country, it could be useful to know some details. Let's say the aim is now the establishment of "Cosmocracy" on Earth.
in this respect "Comet K..." is not the name of a new comet, approaching swiftly Earth from the Sky !
May be the words are anyhow coming from something like that.
But, the origin of those words is staying secret. They seem to have been initiated first in Vatican in High Middle Age.
Sometimes, you can find also the form "Gomet K...". Anyhow, we don't give the full writing as it may be too powerful.
Only one thing is known about those two higly secret words : they are able to modify the usual sight of a human being, and then his perception of the environment on a higher frequency, in order to see Aerial Spirits... the name of ETs at that time. Of course, for that they must logically happen to pass by !
Aerial Spirits, at least at the beginning hadn't the meaning of devils then, in a highly religious time.
In fact, Vatican has been seriously interested in ETs from a very long time, in spite of what a lot of people may ignore.
The power of "Comet K..." is based upon the soundwaves (vibrations) - what Saint John was calling "the Verb" in his famous and rather misunderstood Gospel (Saint John, I-1). He was mainly talking about the final establishment of the divine "Cosmocracy" on Earth, even people didn't understand much about what he wrote !
When repeated at least seven times - but often more -, "Comet K." seems to establish a new syntonisation, like a mantra : our mind is changing of level, and some people can see what they couldn't before - but only the ones who are able to elevate their own spirit and welcome a wider reality ! For others, access will desperately remain denied !
As an epilog, in case the communication could really be established, behave yourself.
Don't be aggressive and don't even try to be domineering, as it could provoke a bad or even a very bad reaction : you don't want to be "azimuthed" ?
You don't want to live the same misadventure 40 US soldiers experienced in S4 (Groomlake Basis in Nevada, USA), after a serious mishap ? Don't you ?
As a matter of fact, it is very difficult to come back to our dimension, when you have been sent in the one of the great Void !
So avoid too a competitive display, by playing the human secular game of "who wins... loses in an un-glorious blaze !" They will despise you or mock at you. And you will feel it clearly : it is this type of primitive arrogance they dislike the most in human creatures !
Just be nice and natural, that's all ! If you can't, forget about our topic !
ETs don't believe in Darwin (1809 - 1882), as they know how human beings were truly created - and for good reason -, without any law of evolution !
On this point, like for the usually good appreciation of Jesus' words also, the traditional conceptions of the Catholic Church are right. Strangely, the Church reached roughly the same conclusions as the Russian SMERSH (1943), which made the first "catalog" of ETs.
But ETs are quite aware of the irrepressible need of rationalized superstition of human beings, to combat their usual inner fears.
You can say for instance the following respectful words : "Maya, Affaby, Zien" ! They have showed they liked it in the past, at the time of the "burning Bush". Never forget, they themselves believe in a Supreme God, who they really respect and revere as for them.
Then speak normally and politely during the exchange : usually they will answer by telepathy (a bit like Atlant way), but you will resent it as real words. Don't be too long at the beginning, and finally say bye bye with "Arpheton" or "Zedereza" !
If you are a woman be elegant, as they like what is nice to watch.
In the opposite case, they may refuse the connection as they prefer beauty.
And if you are a man, be smart, and not the way we usually imagine a "pre-hominian" ! You are not stronger than them anyway, whatever they are smaller or taller - depending on their various origins .
In case of a crossed encounter, female/male or male/female, you can kiss their cheeks, they seem to appreciate this human friendly way.
With them, in most cases, Affection is astonishingly remaining the most surprising key !
To finish off, Acta est fabula ad majorem Dei gloriam !
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