Friday, November 1, 2024

Just science-fiction LXVI : the Council of the Nine no longer wants to be kept silent !

 by Jean-Jacques COURTEY, Doctor in Economic Geography, Ph. D


In this new article of Just science-fiction, we will talk about an ET frustration, which is lasting for years and years. Effectively, our subject of the day is the Council of the Nine. To be clear, this very important ET organization is annoyed to be snobbed by Earth. That's why we have chosen this first day of the new Pleiadian year to talk about it !

Officially, it is called the Andromedan Council of the Nine, even if Andromeda is just a part of it. You will discover or actually rediscover a familiar name for you : Ra (Râ in French), as an eminent member of this Council !

Two years ago, we have again talked about him in our article dedicated to Pharaoh Kheops, untitled 'Rediscovering famous characters VIII : "Souphis Chembes" was a far too ordinary name for him !', published on Global Politics and Economics on March 21st, 2022 !

The peculiarity of the Andromedan Council of the Nine, is that its members are really fed up that almost no one is making any communication about them on Earth, especially concerning Râ envisioned this way. They do not want anymore to be kept silent, for the sake of Earth and its inhabitants (Earthlings and their ET predecessors) !

So relax, have a seat, fasten your seat belt, and enjoy your reading by being propelled in a different world. Of course, you must just take our narration as a masterpiece of pure imagination, id est "Just science-fiction" !


The Council of the Nine is echoing the Ennead of the Egyptian Gods, who were nine, and coming from various places in the Cosmos (Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades...and the Lyra, as mother civilization). Normally, this Council of the Nine is not interventionist on Earth, except one of their members, Râ ! Râ has from a long time the habit to do things his own way. And he is particularly fond of the Earth. Nine is a figure which can be seen as important in the Universe. For instance, this number is too appearing in the "Tau-IX Treaty for the preservation of Humanity" of 1958 between the USA and the various Greys from Orion Empire - led by the Alpha Dracos. And on Earth, the "Illuminati of Bavaria" led by a Man-King (Johann Adam Weishaupt, 1748 - 1830), and the Royalist "Knights of the Faith" (1810 - 1826 or 1864) as well, were also directed by a Council of the Nine (the Aeropagus).                                                                                                                                            Nine is the number of completeness in numerology. It is a very important number on the esoteric and cosmologic point of view. Nowadays, some people are easily making a connection between the aforementioned human iniatic organization of Illuminati and ETs. It's true that ETs are massively functioning with a King, and sometimes a Queen at their head : they usually do not trust other forms of leadership, which can be easily misled according to them. But it's not always as simple. For instance, the Templar Strict Observance Order was said to be led by Unknown Superiors till 1782, but nobody ever saw them. This brought members to lose faith in their Order, and caused its final collapse ten years after the famous Convent of Wilhelmsbad (Hesse, in present Germany), at the death of his last Grand Master, the Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick (1721 - 1792) !

Coming back to Râ, he became the supreme Alien God of Pharaoh Kheops or Khufu  during his reign (c. 2620 BC - c. 2580 BC), instead of Ptah. As for this Pharaoh of the IVth dynasty, are there Egyptian mysteries accessible to us, without any time or space barriers ? The Cartesian answer would appear to be No at the first sight. But if we bypass Descartes (1596 - 1650), a man who was certainly interesting, but was always doubting, the answer could be very different. And to consider unpublished synchronicities, the answer could be more Perhaps, and sometimes outright Yes ! Souphis Chembes who chose the new name of Khufu (rendered in Greek as Kheops), because he didn't like his original name, did it under the advice of Râ who supported his delegate, the God Khnum, after a dream. As a matter of fact the name of Khufu is based upon the one of Khnum, and shows this God is protecting him. And according to this famous Pharaoh, it's not him who believed first in Râ as the God of Sun, but on the opposite Râ who believed in Souphis Chembes (or Suphis Chembes) to become a great Pharaoh. And he dictated to him the Sacred Books, and made him travel during his lifetime - and not only after his death - in the Cosmos, in his Solar boat ! If Râ, usually represented with a Falcon head topped by a big Solar disk and a tall human body, wants to be heard again by Earthlings finally, he is saying he can bypass obstacles by using the obelisks present in various capitals of Earth : as a matter of fact, they are actually transmitters. So when you pass an obelisk, give a little hello to Râ, he will appreciate the gesture !

Last October 14th, the Europa Clipper probe has been launched in direction of Europa, one of the 79 known moons of Jupiter. And it will reach it by six years, in 2030. When this probe initiated by Space X (in a joint program with NASA) is going to be in sight of the moons of Jupiter, it could also as a suggestion of Râ have a look on Ganymede which is not very far. Ganymede is the biggest moon of Jupiter, even bigger than some planets, and it has got a magnetic field and plenty water - not necessarily iced. Checking if life has been able to develop below the ice ocean of Europa could prove more difficult than observing more accurately the surface of Ganymede. As a matter of fact, the Council of the Nine has got a big base on it. If people on Ganymede see the explorer Europa Clipper, Râ is saying that they will wave their hands at it showingly ! There is a so long time they are waiting to be recognized by Earthlings officially, and not anymore unofficially. The first connection was established in 1972 by the talented Israeli psychic Uri Geller (born in Tell-Aviv in 1946), under the direction of Dr. Andrija Puharich (1918 - 1995) in the SRI - Stanford Research Institute, California, USA. He was followed by other less controversial psychics from 1974. But this established link through Remote Viewing and very long distance Telepathy is bothering for the ones who want to be our masters : they want to persuade us that we are only "biological computers" and nothing more. Our free soul is annoying for them. And fifty-two years waiting up to now, is already a long time for the Council of the Nine ! 

It has to be noticed that the organization of the worlds in the Universe is a bit weird. If the Pleiadians are important members of the Galactic Federation, how come they can be at the same time in the Council of the Nine which is representing 24 Kings and Queens of various ET civilizations ? Especially, when you know that the Council of the Nine is not at all an emanation of the Galactic Federation, but a quite competitive organization ! And those Pleiadians, are they going to "vote" again for Donald Trump (born in 1946 in New York, USA), in the American Presidential election of next November 5th, like they did in 2016 ? As a matter of fact, one month before the election of 2016, on October 3rd, we published on Global Politics and Economics, an article untitled : "Just science-fiction XIV : Trump, the Pleiades' option, and the message RIVATIVJ !"

The interrogations about the Pleiadian role on Earth are huge, as they are reputed being interventionist. They are very often confused with the "woke" Venusians, because both of them look like "Nordics", and have more senses than a ordinary human being. It has to be added that the most well known Venusians on Earth are quite small as ETs : they are bees, with a Queen in their hives ! Since, the war of Ukraine (2022), Pleiadians appear to have gone nearer the Aldebarans. The latters seem to have rebecome - temporarily at least - their brothers and sisters after so many millenia ! And about the various Greys of Orion (Zetas A and B, and Rigelians), they themselves have unexpectedly joined with Pleiadians and Aldebarans to preserve Earth from major nuclear explosions of nuclear plants in Zaporijjia (Ukraine) several times already, and this year equally in Kursk (Russia) !

How is it possible that those previous enemies have been able to put apart their multi-millenary hatreds and grudges, to save Earth and its inhabitants in these crucial recent occasions ? Are they here to protect Earth from the Earthlings' agressivity and from their inclination for dangerous wars without return ? And why is our blue planet so special for them, to preserve it at all costs from human excesses ? Since the attempt of Treaty of  February 1954 (under President Eisenhower - 1890 - 1969) with Pleiadians, things have evolved much with clouds and Sun, under a wider scope involving the Council of the Nine - Agreements of Jupiter of July 2019. The most thorny issue is the one connected to the financing of the Renewal of the old US Solar Warden Fleet (now "Starfleet"), which is an heavy burden for the budgets of the Earthling Nations participating to those secret agreements. The Exopolitical question is less and less underlying nowadays !

The Alpha-Dracos of Orion (also called Rakshasas in the Antic times) about them, are fed up to be seen only as demonized enemies. They are skeptical on the actual goodness displayed by their opponents towards people, even if they were disappearing. They don't believe much either new ways of curing serious or incurable diseases very simply sometimes, will be made available to the greatest number, if they don't do it themselves. And they are very upset by the dangerous experiments of so-called human scientists, tinted with Environmentalist Ecology in our atmosphere. It really gets on their nerves that those self-declared Eco-scientists may pour out huge quantities of Sulfur in the Earth atmosphere, in order to make Earth becoming colder : it doesn't work, but it could easily damage their skin and their health condition ! 

Above that, spreading Sulfur in the Earth atmosphere could consequently make the climate disruption worse by provoking heavy rains, and at times even torrential rains a bit everywhere on Earth. The huge Space vessels of the Council of the Nine and the Galactic Federation to save a part of Earthlings from a new Deluge (or another threat, sometimes not exxagerated at all) are not ready yet. Even the Lyrans present in the Empire of Orion, who look like us and don't especially appreciate Alpha-Dracos, think that humans must stop buying in all the green nonsense right now for their own sake. Them, they are fully aware of the dark projects of Mantis !

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